Civics flashcards


terms for civics
Flashcards by stillrabit73, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by stillrabit73 almost 9 years ago

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Adversarial Legal System used in common law countries two advocates represents their parties
Assembly 1st amendment right, to congregate peacefully
Checks and Balances how the branches of government check the power of the other branch. to make sure no branch is not more powerful than another branch
Civil and Criminal Law Civil law mainly focused on lawsuits while criminal law focuses on breaking the law.
Civil Law a law based on usually lawsuit for damages
Consumer Protection protection from corporations by imposing health and safety regulations
Draconian Laws Harsh laws based on Greek laws favored the rich over the poor
E Pluribus Unum latin, meaning "out of many one" used to represent our country
Establishment Clause clause to the 1st amendment religious freedom meaning that you have to respect the religion of an establishment
Executive one of the three main branches of the us government lead by the president
Expression 1st amendment guaranteeing free expression.
Gerrymandering whenever a county purposefully reshapes district lines to gain an advantage
Judicial Review the power of the supreme court to review laws set forth by the government.
Jury Duty whenever you are summoned by the courts to appear to be on a jury.
Legislative one of the three main branches of government, congress, led by the speaker of the house.
Line-Veto power given to North Carolina Governor to strike a specific item from a bill.
North Carolina General Assembly legislative body of the north Carolina government
Parole Parole is what is given to a criminal or as a sentence where they're freedoms are slightly restricted, released early for prision
Patriot Act act put in place after the 2001 Terrorist attacks, where as government does not need warrants to search suspected terrorists
Prosecutor the people who takes the other people to court, the victim
Referendum whenever voters have the power to directly effect public officials
Retribution payback, in a simple term, having something restored that was taken
Senate half of the legislative body of the us, more exclusive thank the house of representatives, only 2 per state, leader is the VP or the president pro tempura
Separation of Church and State not in the constitution , but heavily implied. saying government will not be swayed by religious affiliation.
Sherrif's Department handles crimes anywhere in the county
The Leandro Case famous court case where low wealth schools got less money than higher income schools
Zoning playing zones on specific areas for various reasons. for construction, business, theater etc.
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