BC L5 V1 - Transportation


Basic Cantonese Lesson 5 Dialog 1 Vocab
SLS  Cantonese
Flashcards by SLS Cantonese, updated 11 months ago
SLS  Cantonese
Created by SLS Cantonese about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
BC L5 V1: Where are you going?
bus bā sí 巴士
be better to bāt yùh 不如
where bīn douh 邊度
car, vehicle chē 車
travel by; sit chóh 坐
to travel daap 搭
to take a taxi daap dīk sí 搭的士
waiting dáng gán 等緊
waited dáng jó 等咗
subway (MTR) deih tit (Góng tit) 地鐵(港鐵
tram dihn chè 電車
taxi dīk sí 的士
also dōu 都
fast faai 快
Minute(s) fàn jūng 分鐘
cannot catch gón m4 chit 趕唔切
Hang Seng Bank Hàhng Sàng ngàhn hòhng 恒生銀行
to go heui 去
immediately jìk hàak 即刻
head office júng hóng 總行
Central Jùng Wàahn 中環
come làih 嚟
no, not m4 唔
no traffic jam m4 sāk chè 唔塞車
slow maahn 慢
suffix - indicating surprise mē 咩
haven't móuh 冇
bank ngàhn hòhng 銀行
five ngh 五
five minutes ngh fàn jūng 五分鐘
around here nī tàuh 呢頭
cheap pèhng 平
cheaper than pèhng gwo 平過
traffic jam sāk chè 塞車
mini-bus síu bā 小巴
too taai 太
too slow taai maahn 太慢
suggest tàih yíh 提議
head tàuh 頭
suffix - implies telling new situation; to remind wo 喎
now yìh gā 而家
already yíh gìng
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