BC L11 V2


Basic Cantonese Lesson 11 Video 2 Vocab
SLS  Cantonese
Flashcards by SLS Cantonese, updated 11 months ago
SLS  Cantonese
Created by SLS Cantonese about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
BC L11 V2: Travel abroad
receive an injection dá jàm 打針
developed countries faat daaht gwok gà 發達國家
developing countries faat jín gán gwok gà 發展緊國家
epidemic prevention fòhng yihk 防疫
every week go go sìng kèih 個個星期
old saying Gú Yúh 古語
Kweilin Gwai Làhm 桂林
Kweilin natural scenery (mountains and rivers) tops the world Gwai Làhm sāan séui gaap tīn hah 桂林山水甲天下
Guangsi Gwóng Sài 廣西
measure word for book gyún 卷
can’t go away hàahng m4 hòi 行唔開
nearby káhn kán déi 近近哋
mile léih 里
travel agency léuih hàhng séh 旅行社
undeveloped countries meih faat jín ge gwok gà 未發展嘅國家
scared pa pa 怕怕
3-days trip sāam tìn yàuh 三天遊
landscape,scenery sāan séui 山水
take medicine sihk yeuhk 食葯
a group tyùhn 團
environmental pollution wàahn gíng wū yíhm 環境污染
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