Module 1: Implement DNS for Windows Server IaaS VMs > Unit: Implement split-horizon DNS in Azure


Flashcards on Module 1: Implement DNS for Windows Server IaaS VMs > Unit: Implement split-horizon DNS in Azure, created by Rick Schoenman on 01/10/2022.
Rick Schoenman
Flashcards by Rick Schoenman, updated more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Created by Rick Schoenman over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is split-horizon DNS? A DNS solution that allows you to host the same DNS zone in a public and a private DNS server. Clients on the internal network are directed to the private server, clients on the internet are directed to the public one.
What is the difference between split-horizon and split-brain? Nothing, they are the same
How do you implement split-horizon DNS in Azure? By configuring a public and a private zone for the same domain name. The VM needs a public NIC and a private NIC. You point the DNS records to the corresponding NICs.
How is split-horizon DNS implemented in Windows Server DNS? By using DNS policies
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