

Moroccan Dialect - Rotation One - Lesson Twenty two
Nargess Lakehal-Ayat
Flashcards by Nargess Lakehal-Ayat, updated more than 1 year ago
Nargess Lakehal-Ayat
Created by Nargess Lakehal-Ayat almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
آمين Amen
يولي he becomes (masc.)
تروحت I caught a cold
البرد cold weather
البادية the countryside
يدخل he enters (masc.)
الله يشفيك Feel better an expression for healing meaning "may God heal you"
الغابة the forest
سيروا you all go (pl.) (imperative)
غادي يزورني he is going to visit me
خضرا green (fem.)
الرطوبة humidity
الأرض the land
كتبان look (you) (masc.)
*مراكش Marrakesh
غالبا mostly
طبيعة nature
الأرض place (the)
الربيع spring
ضربني البرد struck by the cold weather (I was)
ضربني struck me
تقترح علي suggest to me (you)
نساريه take him out
ثلاثة three
عيّان tired (masc.)
عمي uncle (my) (paternal)
يزورني visit me
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