Mineralogy - Crystal Structure


TD Travelerz
Flashcards by TD Travelerz, updated more than 1 year ago
TD Travelerz
Created by TD Travelerz about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Pyrite - FeS2 Isometric - Cubic
Halite - NaCl Isometric - Cubic
Galena - PbS Isometric - Cubic
Diamond - C Isometric - Octahedron
Magnetite - Fe3O4 Isometric - Octahedron
Garnet - A3B2(SiO4)3 Isometric - Dodecahedron
เพทาย - ZnSiO4 Tetragonal
ดีบุก - SnO2 Tetragonal
Olivine - (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 Orthorhombic
Topaz Orthorhombic
Anhydrite - CuSO4 Orthorhombic
Barite - BaSO4 Orthorhombic
Sulfur - S Orthorhombic
Aragonite - CaCO3 Orthorhombic
Mica Monoclinic
Gypsum - CaSO4 • 2H2O Monoclinic
Andalusite - Al2SiO5 Monoclinic
Orthoclase - KAlSi3O8 Monoclinic
Plagioclase - NaAlSi3O8 - CaAl2Si2O8 Triclinic
Quartz - SiO2 Hexagonal
Calcite - CaCO3 Hexagonal
Hematite - Fe2O3 Hexagonal
Corundum - Al2O3 Hexagonal
Beryl - Be3Al2Si6O18 Hexagonal
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