Module 3: Implement Windows Server DNS > Unit: Implement DNS forwarding


Flashcards on Module 3: Implement Windows Server DNS > Unit: Implement DNS forwarding, created by Rick Schoenman on 16/10/2022.
Rick Schoenman
Flashcards by Rick Schoenman, updated more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Created by Rick Schoenman about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
If a DNS server does not host a primary or secondary containing the resource records that are requested by a DNS client, what does it then do by default? It contacts the root hints
When does a DNS server use a forwarder? If it receives a request for which it is not authorative
Where are forwarders commonly used for? Internet name resolution
What is conditional forwarding? When a conditional forwarder is configured, all queries for a specific domain, are forwarded to a specified DNS server.
What are stub zones? A stub zone contains the information for DNS servers of a different domain, without synchronizing the entire DNS zone.
Which records are synchronized with a stub zone? - Name server (NS) records - Host (A) records for the name servers - Start of authority (SOA) records
When would you use a stub zone instead of a conditional forwarder? If the DNS infrastructure is likely to change.
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