
AP JOR_RT3 Flashcards on JOR_RT3_L20, created by Summar Mohamed on 28/10/2022.
Summar Mohamed
Flashcards by Summar Mohamed, updated more than 1 year ago
Summar Mohamed
Created by Summar Mohamed almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
رائد major ( military rank)
مسؤول من السفارة an official from the embassy
أخبركم I inform you
تمّ القبض على was arrested
مخدّرات drugs
بحوزته مخدّرات he has drugs
بيانات information
بياناته his information
مخفر أمن الرشيد Al-Rasheed police station
بخصوص regarding
مكافحة combating
مدير قسم مكافحة المخدرات head of the drug combating section
سايق السيارة driving the car
كان سايق السيارة بسرعة he was speeding
جيبته his pocket
بخلّي I will let...
بخلّيهم I will let them...
من فضلك please
ضروري crucial/ necessary
يتعاون cooperate
تحقيق investigation
نصيحة advice
محامين lawyers
على انفراد privately
غرفة room
نقعد we sit
باب door
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