Unit 07_Speaking for Fluency_Giving information to a caller


College Languages - Unit 7: Profession & Occupations (Speaking) Flashcards on Unit 07_Speaking for Fluency_Giving information to a caller , created by SLS Indonesian on 02/11/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
O, maaf. Pak Johnson sedang bicara di pesawat lain. O, I'm sorry. Mr. Johnson is now talking on the other line.
O, maaf. Pak Johnson masih bicara di pesawat lain. O, I'm sorry. Mr. Johnson is still talking on the other line.
O, maaf. Pak Johnson masih bicara dengan seorang tamu. O, I'm sorry. Mr. Johnson is still talking with a guest.
O, maaf. Pak Johnson sedang keluar dengan seorang tamu. O, I'm sorry. Mr. Johnson is now out with a guest.
O, maaf. Pak Johnson sedang keluar dengan Duta Besar. O, I'm sorry. Mr. Johnson is now out with the Ambassador.
O, maaf. Pak Johnson baru saja pergi dengan Duta Besar. O, I'm sorry. Mr. Johnson just went with the Ambassador.
O, maaf. Pak Johnson baru saja pergi untuk menghadiri sebuah rapat. O, I'm sorry. Mr. Johnson just went to attend a meeting.
O, maaf. Pak Johnson sedang tidak bisa diganggu sekarang. O, I'm sorry. Mr. Johnson cannot be disturbed now.
O, maaf. Pak Johnson sedang cuti O, I'm sorry. Mr. Johnson is on leave.
O, maaf. Pak Johnson sedang keluar. O, I'm sorry. Mr. Johnson is stepping out.
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