Soc 101: Chapter 8


Race and Ethnicity as Lived Experience
Dureeti Kalbessa
Flashcards by Dureeti Kalbessa, updated more than 1 year ago
Dureeti Kalbessa
Created by Dureeti Kalbessa over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
symbolic ethnicity an ethnic identity that is only relevant on specific occasions and does not significantly impact everyday life.
situational ethnicity an ethnic identity that can be either displayed or concealed depending on its usefulness in a given situation
racism a set of belief about the superiority of one racial or ethnic group; used to justify inequality and often rooted in the assumption that differences between groups are genetic
double-conciousness WEB DuBois`s term for divided identity experienced by blacks in America
emodied identity those elements of identity that are generated through others` perceptions of our physical traits
miscegenation romantic, sexual, or marital relationships between people of different races
internal colonialism the economic and political subjugation of the minority group by the dominant group by the dominant group within a nation
pluralism cultural pattern of intergroup relations that encourages racial and ethnic variation and acceptance within a society
Explain race versus ethnicity. Race is a social category based on real/perceieved biological differences while ethnicity is also a social category based on a group`s shared ancestry or cultural heritage
Describe race and ethnicity in terms of structural functionalist theory. groups have a tendency toward ethbocentrism, which binds people together but also makes them act unfavorably toward those outside the group
Explain race and ethnicity in terms of conflict theory. majority groups use racism and ethnocentrism to protect their interests
symbolic interactionism race and ethnicity are created symbolically in everyday interactions
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