L11 At the Market


FSI Basic Slovene Flashcards on L11 At the Market, created by FSI Slovenian on 28/11/2022.
FSI Slovenian
Flashcards by FSI Slovenian, updated more than 1 year ago
FSI Slovenian
Created by FSI Slovenian almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
bivši, a, e former (adj)
bolšji sejem (m) flea market
branjevec, branjevka (m,f) fruit or vegetable seller, vendor male, female
centiliter (m) centiliter
centimeter (m) centimeter
cilj (m) goal
cvet (m) flower, blossom
cvetača (f) cauliflower
čebelar, čebelarka (m,f) beekeeper (m,f)
češnja (f) cherry
čevelj (m) shoe
deciliter, deci deciliter
decimeter (m) decimeter
dekagram (m) dekagram
delikatesa (f) delicatessen
dovoljenje (n) permission
ducat (m) dozen
dušiti, dušim (imp.) to saute, to braise (imp.)
edini, a, o single (adj)
figa (f) fig
gibanje (n) movement
glava (f) head
glinen, a, o of clay (adj)
goba (f) mushroom
gram (m) gram
grozd (m) a bunch of grapes
grozdje (n) grapes
hektoliter (m) hectoliter
hruška (f) pear
hvaliti,hvalim (imp.) to praise (imp.)
igrača (f) toy
izbrati, izberem, izbral,a,o (perf.) to choose (perf.)
izdelek (m) product
izkušnja (f) experience
jušen, šna, o of soup (adj)
kaki (m) persimmon
kilogram (m) kilogram
kilometer (m) kilometer
kivi (m) kiwi
klet (f) basement, cellar
korenje (n) carrots
košara (f) basket
les (m) wood
lesen, a, o wooden (adj)
liter (m) liter
lokalen, lna, o local (adj)
mediti, medim (imp.) to ripen, to sweeten (imp.)
mesar (m) butcher
mesnica (f) butcher shop
meter (m) meter
mililiter (m) milliliter
milimeter (m) millimeter
mlekarna (f) dairy
moka (f) flour
mošt (m) cider (non-pasteurized,fermented)
način (m) way
nakup (m) purchase
nakupovalni center (m) shopping center
nekdo somebody
obrtnik, obrtnica (m,f) craftsman (m,f)
obsegati, obsegam (imp.) to comprise, embrace (imp.)
odrezati, odrežem, odrezal,a,o (perf.) to cut off (perf.)
odvisen, sna, o dependent (adj)
ohladiti, ohladim (perf.) to cool (perf.)
okras (m) decoration
pajek (m) spider, tow truck
paprika (f) green pepper, paprika
paradižnik (m) tomato
parkiranje (n) parking
parkirati, parkiram (perf./imp.) to park (perf.,imp.)
podoba (f) image, portrait, picture
pokriti, pokrijem, pokril,a,o (perf.) to cover (perf.)
pokrit,a,o covered (adj)
pecivo (n) pastry
piščalka (f) whistle
pogrešati, pogrešam (imp.) to miss (imp.)
pojaviti se, pojavim se (perf.) to appear (perf.)
pojavljati se, pojavljam se (imp.) to appear (imp.)
poln,lna,o full,filled
por (m) leek
poslovilen, lna, o farewell (adj)
postaviti, postavim (perf.) to put (up) (perf.)
praven, vna, o legal, judicial, law (adj)
pravočasen,sna,o on time
prebivalec, prebivalka (m,f) inhabitant (m,f)
presenetiti, presenetim (perf.) to surprise (perf.)
približevati, približujem, približeval,a,o (imp.) to approach (imp.)
pridelati, pridelam (perf.) to produce (agriculture) (perf.)
prikimati, prikimam (perf.) to nod (perf.)
prodajati, prodajam (imp.) to sale (imp.)
prodajalec, prodajalka (m, f) salesman (m,f)
pustiti, pustim (perf.) to leave off, to let (perf.)
razen except
razvijati, razvijam (imp.) to develop (imp.)
rešiti, rešim (perf.) to solve (perf.)
ribarnica (f) fish market
roba (f) ware, goods, merchandise
roža (f) flower
sadje (n) fruits
sadovnjak (m) orchard
samopostrežna trgovina (f) self-service shop
skuta (f) farmers (cottage) cheese
stojnica (f) stand
strinjati se, strinjam se (imp.) to agree (imp.)
suha roba (f) wooden ware, product
štruca (f) loaf
tehtati, tehtam (imp.) to weigh (imp.)
tehtnica (f) scale
teža (f) weight
točka (f) point, spot, dot
tona (f) metric ton
trta (f) vine
tržnica (f) enclosed market
viseti, visim, visel,a,o (imp.) to hang (imp.)
vosek (m) wax
začimba (f) spice
zamuditi, zamudim (perf.) to be late for, to miss (perf.)
zbirati, zbiram (imp.) to collect (imp.)
zelenjava (f) vegetables
zelišče (n) herb
zelje (n) cabbage
živilo (n) food, grocery
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