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Minarquismo Mexicano
Flashcards by Minarquismo Mexicano, updated more than 1 year ago
Minarquismo Mexicano
Created by Minarquismo Mexicano almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How did you get in? Cómo entraste?
Get in the back seat. Entra la asiento trasero
How am I to get in? Cómo voy a entrar?
How did you get in? Do you have a key? Cómo entraste? tienes una llave?
The door was locked and we couldn't get in. La puerta estaba cerrada y no pudimos entrar
The door was locked, so I couldn't get in. La puerta está cerrada así que no pude entrar
The boy got in through the window. El niño entró por la ventana
He got in with a shotgun in his hands. El entró con una escopeta en la mano
I will get in touch Ame pondré en contacto
Tom couldn't get in touch with Mary Tomas no pudo ponerse en contacto con Mary
Do you still get in touch with them? Todavía te pones en contacto con ellos?
There is no means to get in touch with him. No hay manera de que te pongas en contacto con él
In case of an emergency, get in touch with my agent. En case de una emergencia, ponerse en contacto con mí agente
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