American Political Ideologies and Beliefs


American Political Ideologies and Beliefs
Brian Grismore
Flashcards by Brian Grismore, updated more than 1 year ago
Brian Grismore
Created by Brian Grismore over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
political ideology How you want the government to deal with social and economic issues. Should the gov't allow this or deny this.
political culture an overall set of values widely shared within a society such as individualism, equality of opportunity, free enterprise, rule of law, limited government, freedom, democracy.
Liberal a person who generally believes the government should take an active role in the economy but that the government should not dictate social issues
conservative A person who believes government power, particularly in the economy, should be limited in order to maximize individual freedom but they should be involved in social issues.
Demography The scientific study of population characteristics. Geographic area, occupation, gender, race, religion, etc.
political socialization How someone chooses out their political ideology. Family is number one.
Gender gap The difference in political views between men and women
Exit polls Polls conducted as voters leave selected polling places on Election Day. Not reliable because they aren't randomly chosen.
saliency the degree to which an issue is important to a particular individual or group.
party realignment When the coalitions that support a party change.
Medicare A federal program of health insurance for people who are retired / 65 and older
Medicaid A federal and state assistance program that pays for health care services for people who cannot afford them
Moderate Person whose views are between conservative and liberal and may include some of both ideologies
progressive tax A tax graduated so that people with higher incomes pay larger fraction of their income than people with lower incomes.
Flat tax a tax system in which all people pay the same percentage of their income
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