
Jordanian JOR_RT 6 Flashcards on JOR_RT6_L06, created by Summar Mohamed on 24/03/2023.
Summar Mohamed
Flashcards by Summar Mohamed, updated more than 1 year ago
Summar Mohamed
Created by Summar Mohamed over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
رواتب salaries
زيادة increase
كانت ترفض used to deny
نقابة union
نقابة المعلمين teachers' union
إضراب عام general strike
حاولت tried
تقنع to convince
الرواتب هي هي salaries don't change
...لولا .... ما كان عنّا if it was not for...., we would have not had
أغلبية الأعضاء the majority of members
وافقوا they agreed
عارض opposed
عجز مالي deficit
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