Generative AI - Google Cloud Intro to LLMs


Generative AI Flashcards on Generative AI - Google Cloud Intro to LLMs, created by Jake Kaldenbaugh on 14/07/2023.
Jake Kaldenbaugh
Flashcards by Jake Kaldenbaugh, updated more than 1 year ago
Jake Kaldenbaugh
Created by Jake Kaldenbaugh over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
PaLM-E generalist robotics model from Google which transfers knowledge from visual+language models to robotics. supplements PaLM with ViT-22B which enables raw sensor data
How do LLMs work? LLMs represent text mathematically in a way that NNs can process by splitting text into tokes that encode subwords associated with high-dimensional vectors. Matrix mult is then applied to predict the next likely word.
LaMDA Language Model for Dialogue Applications: Built on Google's Transformer NN arch (2017), trained on dialogue. Incorporates "sensibleness", what makes sense in coversations.
Few-Shot vs Zero-Shot Training Few-shot: using sparse datasets to provide domain and task-specific performance. Implies that fine-tuning may not be required as few shot achieves similar results.
Bias in GPT-3 Occupations with higher edu req or phys labor were labled as Male 83% of 388. Race: Asian - high sentiment, Black - low. Religion:
What is Google Pathways? An attempt at a single model that can generalize across domains and tasks while being efficient. Pathways SystemL orchestrates dist comp for accelerators. Achieves good few-shot perf across lang+generation tasks
PaLM API & MakerSuite API: access to multi-turn, (content, chat) + gnrl purpose (summ, clssfic8n) MakerSuite: simplifies AI dev workflows - Tune model, synth data aug, genr8 embeddings, Resp+Sfty, Deploy & Scale
PEPT Parameter Efficient Prompt-Tuning: ft with a small dataset done in the prompt
Chain of Thought Prompting Prompt the model to break down its reasoning into steps "show work", creating more structured, organized and accurate responses. Most benefiicial for complex math & science.
Computer Vision Trends in 2020 began moving from Convolution NNs to Transformers arch.
GANs Generative Adversarial Networks: set up two opposing models: generator+discriminator, use results to improve ability to "win"
How do Diffusion Models Work? Systematically/slowly destroy structure in a data distribution through iterative fwd diffusion, the learn reverse diffusion to restore data.
CALM Confident Adaptive Language Modeling: accelerating LM text generation by improving efficiency at inference time because some word predictions are higher prob than others. CLAM dynamically distributes the computational effort across gen timesteps
In-Context Learning (Few-Shot Prompting) Ability for LLMs to do tasks after seeing a few examples. LLMs contain smaller simpler linear models based on examples within massive training sets. NNs perhaps have internal ML models.
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