Promotion- Marketing


Concept and Importance of promotion
Mariam Ara
Flashcards by Mariam Ara, updated more than 1 year ago
Mariam Ara
Created by Mariam Ara over 1 year ago

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Question Answer
Promotion- ATL, BTL ATL communications use the broadcast medium and print media to reach mass audience. ATL activities are expensive. BTL activities are targeted to a selective audience which might be present in a store or a fair. BTL activities ensure greater interface with consumer providing instant feedback.
4 elements of promo - Advertising, Sales Promo, Public relations and personal selling. BUT according to Kotler guy - Advertising, Sales Promo, Public relations and publicity, Direct Mkt, Interactive Mkt, Word of mouth mkt and personal selling. IMA - Integrated Mkt Communication --IMC is an approach to achieving the objectives of a marketing campaign, thru a well coordinated use of different promotional methods that are intended to reinforce each other-- Combining all elements of promotion mix to suit a firm's mkt requirements is known as IMC.
How does the division of communication tools within promotional mix help in different ways? 1. Gives an approximate definition of what each tool is able to contribute to the mix and helps company to determine which will be most useful in achieving particular objective. 2. Helps companies work out the balance between various tools. IMC helps in establishing goals for mkt communication strategy of the firm by picking most feasible, profitable and which helps reavh its target customers.
FEASIBLE Industrial co. targets mostly on direct mkt. Firm needing short term sales may focus on sales promo. A firm launching product may go for publicity
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