Lab equipment


Flashcards on Lab equipment, created by Sofía Qiran Wang Machuca on 26/08/2023.
Sofía Qiran Wang Machuca
Flashcards by Sofía Qiran Wang Machuca, updated more than 1 year ago
Sofía Qiran Wang Machuca
Created by Sofía Qiran Wang Machuca over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Beaker, a container to hold liquids, can be used to mix substances together or heat water
Graduated cylinder, instrument used to measure volume of a liquid
Erlenmeyer flask, used to hold liquids, has narrow neck to prevent splashes. Used for chemical reactions.
Funnel, a piece of equipment used to help transfer substances from one container to another.
Bunsen burner, a gas burner to heat substances
Ring clamp, used with ring stand to hold a glass container.
Electronic balance, used to measure mass
Beaker tongs, Used to move beakers containing hot liquids.
Dissecting pins, holds specimen on dissecting tray
Test tube, a small tube sealed at the end.
Florence flask ,it is used for the mixing of chemicals. Narrow neck prevents splash exposure.
Spot plate, small plate with several depressions or wells used to hold small samples of solutions or reactions
Retort stand, Used with clamp to hold substances at a required height
Stopper, a piece of rubber put into the opening of a container to prevent spillage
Overflow can, used to find the volume of large, irregularly shaped solid objects through water displacement
Hot plate, A tool used to heat substances
Test tube tongs, tongs which can hold a test tube while heating
Watch glass, to hold solids while being weighed, or as a cover for a beaker
Evaporating dish, a porcelain dish used to evaporate liquids from a mixture
Petri dish, a shallow dish used to culture bacteria
Test tube rack, a wood or plastic rack to hold test tubes
Microscope. an instrument which magnifies small objects
Forceps, small instrument used to pick up objects; tweezers
Metric ruler, a ruler scaled with metric measurements
Medicine dropper, a small tube wuth a bulb on one end used to transfer small amounts of liquid
Safety goggles, goggles worn in the lab to protect the eyes form splashing liquid or projectiles.
Inoculating loop, a small wire loop attached to a handle used for flame testing or smearing cultures
Thermometer, an instrument used to measure the amount of enerhy in a substance
Spatula, a broad, flat, flexible blade used to lift materials
Wash bottle, a squeezze bottle, used to rinse pieces of laboratory.
Pipette, a scaled glass tube used to measure and transfer small amounts of liquid
Mounted needle, this can hold the specimen in place as the coverslip is lowered
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