Self-study D1


Basic overview and initials of React JS.
Zainab Durrani
Flashcards by Zainab Durrani, updated more than 1 year ago
Zainab Durrani
Created by Zainab Durrani over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
REACT - Open-Source JS Library Build for UI and front-end webpage components. REACT - Component-based(i.e. everything/every application is component-based!) REACT is FAST(Virtual DOM increases React performance and React components can be re-used across the code), SCALABLE(can maintain its performance level despite the increasing workload), FLEXIBLE(allow various combo and tools to update and manage code), POWERFUL(individual parts can be optimized leaving no effect on the overall logic of the application), and has a Robust Growing Developer Community
REACT COMPONENT: Reusable pieces/independent code used to make the application's UI. Each Component has 2 things: i)State Object: contains component's data that changes over time. ii)Props Object: data that can be passed from parent to child components. JSX = JSX: JS + HTML-like syntax to provide highly reusable and functional markup. It’s used to create DOM elements, which are rendered in the React DOM. While not required in React, JSX provides a neat visual representation of the application’s UI. A JavaScript file containing JSX must be compiled before it reaches a web browser.
A component can be as small as a button, or as large as an entire page. React components are JavaScript functions that return markup. React component names must always start with a capital letter, while HTML tags must be lowercase.
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