Edexcel GCSE ICT


Flashcards on Edexcel GCSE ICT, created by meowelseh on 26/11/2013.
Flashcards by meowelseh, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by meowelseh about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Input devices - joystick - mouse - microphone - graphics tablet - keyboard - game controller - webcam - touchscreen - scanner - touch sensitive jog dial
Output devices - speakers - docking station - headphones - printer - headset - screen
Digital devices are used in travel for... - finding a route using Sat Nav and GPS - track the location of cars and vans - geotag images
Audience who will be using the device
Purpose how they will use the device
Factors to consider... - user interface - battery life - security - connectivity - reliability and support services offered - storage capacity/memory - convenience (size and weight) - compatibility with other devices - speed of internet and processor - purpose - cost
Processor - in all digital devices - controls all functions of the device - specialist microprocessors for different devices
Internal memory - while the microprocessor is working it needs to store program instructions and data - different devices have different amounts of internal memory, measured in bytes
Flash memory - doesn't lose data when turned off - no moving parts, so cannot be easily damaged - is removable and can be used to transfer data between devices
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