Dutch Bros


Studying the Dutch Bros Manifesto
Andres Barrios
Flashcards by Andres Barrios, updated about 1 month ago
Andres Barrios
Created by Andres Barrios about 1 month ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
White Mocha White Chocolate Sauce, Espresso, Chocolate Milk
Double Torture Vanilla Syrup, Extra Double Shot of Espresso, and Chocolate Milk
Cocomo Coconut Syrup, Espresso and Chocolate Milk
Caramelizer Caramel Sauce, Espresso, and Chocolate Milk
Kicker Irish Cream Syrup, Espresso and Kick Me Mix
Annihilator Chocolate Mac Syrup, Espresso, and Kick Me Mix.
Golden Eagle Golden Eagle Syrup, Espresso, and Kick Me Mix with Caramel Drizzle
911 Irish Cream Syrup, Six Shots of Espresso (3 dubs) and Kick Me Mix
Wet Capp Cappuccino with half froth and half steamed milk
Honey Rule The drink gets 1 flat scoop of honey unless paired with a flavor, then it follows the drink flavor rule
Sugar rules 1/2 scoop of Cane Syrup is equal to 2 sugar packets
Iced Mix Lines 8 oz, 12 oz, 16 oz
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