Vocabulario ingles 2


ICFES/Saber 11 Ingles Flashcards on Vocabulario ingles 2, created by Luis F on 22/11/2015.
Luis F
Flashcards by Luis F, updated more than 1 year ago
Luis F
Created by Luis F about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
decir en voz alta say (something) out loud " say i am goodlooking out loud" expresion
buscar if you do not know who Lebron James was, look her up internet
alucino contigo blow my mind
estar atento when you drive in winter you have to watch out for icy patches
apestas/ Apestas a cigarrillos you stink of cigarrettes
responsabilidad liability liability (for something) Everybody has legal liability for their own acts. (laiability)
accesorios, muebles antique furnitures uncontable ( no puedes decir 3 furnitures), auque si a a few pieces of furnitures. (furnichr)
me consiguio/arreglo una cita set me up on a date
espero que pronto te recuperes/ olvides- de la gripe/ I hope you get over (recuperes) your flu really quickly/ It took me months to get over Jack after we broke
inventarse come up with (something) make up that I will have to come up with a plan. Tendré que inventarme un plan. Prashal verb cam up (CAM AP) tb make something up
engañoso deceptive (DISEPTIV) deceptive slogan
despedir fire somebody fire him, fire luis (faia)
pasar por alto, omitir overlook something or somebody VERBO George failed his exam because he overlooked a number of mistakes in this work (OUVERLUK)
cinturon need to wear a belt (BELT)
ya already i can´t believe you have already finished your cake SHE WAS ALREADY MARRIED when i met her (OLREDY)
fusion merger the management of the two companies met to discuss a merger the merger of three groups created a a supergroup
dar marcha atras back down despite the evidence, he refused to back down
rechazar refuse despite of the evidence, he refused to back down.
reconciliarse make up with somebody I haven`t make up with Juan yet
declaracion jurada affidavit (AFIDEIVIT)
deber owesomebody something owe something you still owe five dollars
propuesta, peticion motion The lawyer filed a motion. (mousion)
amenaza threat The thief's threat was enough to get everyone to cooperate (zruet)
prohibir ejercicio abgacia disbar verbo lawyer ban from working
huesos bones Some dinosaur bones were discovered near the river. (bouna)
aparatos braces
make up your decision are you coming with me or not??make up your decisson
perder el tiempo run out of time I could continue but I have run out of time
mechero lighter Sacó el mechero para encenderse un cigarriillo: he took her lighter out to light his cigarrete (LAITA)
pasar por alto, no hacer caso. brush something aside The clerk brushed aside the old man and moved on to the next person in line. (BRASH)
roto, destrozado, destartalado. broken down 20 years ago it was a great car - now it's broken down and hardly works at all.
limpio, paso un trapo Wipe
frente brow Tricia's brow was tense as she worked on the math exam.
1. Explotar 2. Soplar Blow. The winter wind blows from the west. Watch out, the bomb is going to blow!
lanzar un beso blow a kiss at somebody
desfile parade There was a parade to celebrate the home team's victory. (COREID)
Contestación a nice to meet you. The pleasure is mine
dolor pain He had a pain in his leg after the game.
beca scholarship James's family isn't rich; he's able to attend that school because he receives a scholarship.
paro unemployment Unemployment fell for a third month, encouraging economists.
util useful
con tanta frecuencia como me gustaria as often as i would like to
seguro, convencido certain Yes, I am certain that it will rain tomorrow. (serten)
conjugacion English is remarkable for its relative lack of conjugation. conjugation (conyugeison)
pronombre personal personal pronoun
levantar, alzar lift (something) He lifted the tray above the kids. Levantó la bandeja por encima de los chicos. (lift)
tantalize atormentar (sb) she knows exactly how tantalize (tantalais)
cuando más te apetezca whenever you like
conducir a dirigir a lead to lead sb to The tour guide leads the people through the city. El guía turístico guía a la gente a través de la ciudad.
ser consciente aware When you drive a car, you must be aware at all times. (aguaer)
aparato, artefacto device This futuristic device sweeps the floors by itself. Este aparato futurista barre los pisos por sí solo.
por lo tanto, como consecuencia, por eso therefore I think, therefore I am. Pienso, por lo tanto existo.
suffer suffer from
aparecer appear
ruidoso loudly, noisy This is a loud auditorium. Es un auditorio muy ruidoso.
suavemente, ligeramente slightly I'm feeling slightly tired after the walk. Estoy un poco cansado después del paseo.
inundacion flooding Bosnia suffered terrible flooding this year.
conspirar scheme The officials schemed against the president. Los secretarios conspiraron contra el presidente.
interior inland Dan moved to the inland because he didn't like the coastal weather. The coasts remain cool, but the inland temperatures are rising.
librarme o deshaecerme de algo get rid of something
suscita, saca a relucir bring something out Un chorrito de limón fresco sacará a relucir el gusto de ese salmón asado. A squirt of fresh lemon will bring out the flavor of that grilled salmon.
acebo holly
reno reindeer Reindeer have been pushed further north by climate change. (reindiá)
calcetin calectin hasta el muslo sock stocking Emily is wearing red socks.
hacer trampas you are cheating (chit)
dificil pregunta, pregunta con trampa trick question
aquellos those Those need to be moved. Aquéllos hay que moverlos. (dous)
evolucionar develop En poco tiempo el enfermo evolucionó favorablemente. The patient progressed favorably in a short time.
a lo largo throughout Many empires have arisen and fallen throughout history.
pecho chest You could see the sunburn on his arms and chest. Podías ver las quemaduras que el son le había producido en los brazos y el pecho.
baya, fruta del bosque berry In summer, the children often gather berries.
require, entail, involve implica, conlleva, requiere Getting a degree entails a lot of hard work.
marea tide Getting a degree entails a lot of hard work. 9taid)
caracteristicas, distintivos features
lucha libre wrestiling (resilinng) Wrestling is a combat sport
corteza (pizza) crust (crasth) I like the filling in this pie, but the crust isn't very good.
pastel pie (pai) pie apple
rodear surround The police surrounded the building. La policía rodeó el edificio.
mirar atras lock back
medir measure (MEXUR) I need to measure the wood before I cut it. The player measured the distance to the goal. Necesito medir el tablón antes de cortarlo.
declaracion statment Your statement is completely false. Tu declaración es completamente falsa.
encargarse take over Take over the meeting for me, I'll be back in a moment. Encárgate de la reunión por mí, volveré en un momento.
takeover adquisicion, compra, absorcion Take over the meeting for me, I'll be back in a moment. Encárgate de la reunión por mí, volveré en un momento.
exceediendo, pasando de la raya overstep
ostra afrodisiaco oyster aphrodisiac
mejillon mussel
almohada, cojin pillow Mary lay back on the bed and rested her head on the pillow.
abrelatas opener
give up dejar de It'll be hard, but I'm going to try giving up chocolate for Lent. Va a ser difícil, pero voy a tratar de abandonar el chocolate para la cuaresma.
arruuinar, echar a perder malcriar spoil You told Mary we were planning a party for her birthday? You've spoiled the surprise now!
escribiendo en un ordenador, tecleando typing Typing is a skill everyone needs these days.
agua sin gas still water Please bring me some still water. Por favor, tráeme un poco de agua mineral sin gas.
cocinero COOK (NO COOKER) cooker es la cocina donde cocinas, no el lugar que sería kitchen
agua corriente running water
agua del grifo tap water
sucio, asqueroso FILTHY The pig was filthy after rolling around in the mud and manure.
asfixiante boiling Be careful, that tea is boiling hot!
impeacble, de limpio spotless
iluminado lit up The whole sky was lit up with fireworks. Todo el cielo estaba iluminado por los fuegos artificiales
pesando los pros y los contrs by weigh in the prons and cons
nublado foggy
probable It's not very likely that he'll go. No es probable que vaya.
hacer un trato cut a deal
desnudo naked
juramento de sangre pacto de sangre blood oath
No lo soporto i cant stand
prometer, juro i swear
es un lio it is a mess
rechazar turn down
sin palabras speechless (spichliss) Janet was speechless when she realised she'd won the lottery
breve brief (brif) The doctor's report is very brief.
herida wound (gund)
inventar make up come up with
afrontar, manejar, similar a deal tackle (takol)
fecha limite deadlines
vomitar throw up vomit
inventar make up come up with
solitario desolado aislado lonely The island was beautiful, but I felt lonely there
puesto en libertad release The jail released the prisoner after four years. El prisionero fue puesto en libertad tras pasar cuatro años en la cárcel
luna de miel honeymoon
insociente no consciente unaware
viuda widow Mr Jones died ten years ago, but his widow still lives in the same house where they spent their married life.
unique, sole, only In general, 'unique' is not only 'only one' but also has connotations of being special, 'only' is purely factual and can be used in most cases and 'sole' is fairly for
cerro, liquido, cancelo close out
- puesta en libertad - libertad - release (rilis) The jail released the prisoner after four years. El prisionero fue puesto en libertad tras pasar cuatro años en la cárcel. - Liberty, freedom
hundir SINK SANK SUNK A stone will sink in water. Las piedras se hunden en el agua.
golosinas goodies sweet candy lollipop
permanecer remain The account remains in existence. La cuenta todavía permanece activa. He went out, while she remained at home. Él salió mientras ella permanecía en casa
masculino manly adjetivo masculine nombre
abofetear slap [sb/sth] Wendy slapped Carl when she found out he'd been cheating on her.
acuerdo prenupcial prenup (separación de bienes)
redactado draw up
Sin dinero out of money I could not buy anything else because i was out of money
Es decision tuya it is up to you It is up to you which film we see, i have no particular preference
Finalizado, acabado Verbo to be+ Over When the match was over, we went home and celebrated
estar lejos verbo to be+ away Julia is away on holiday until the end of the next week
Sinónimo need Necesitar. DO WITH I could do with a holiday, i am getting very tired
Otro sinónimo Deshacerse (aparte de ditch, get rid of something) DO AWAY WITH They should do away with that ridiculous law
Apañarselas, sinónimo manage without DO WITHOUT Suzzanne can not do without her home comforts
Diferencias. Cuando utilizar. Win, earn, achieve, gain. Win: Asociado a comeptir, jugar(concursos, lotería). "She won a price". "They never won a lotery" Earn: Lo asociamos a trabajo. Es decir, suele ser algo que ganamos con el esfuerzo. " She earn a lot of money working hard". Gain: Forma más utilizada, para decir gané peso, pero también para decir gane experiencia y reconocimiento. Achieve: A goal.
comprometido (prematrimonio) estar involucrado -engaged -engaged in The company was engaged in negotiations with view to a possible merger.
molinillo, picadora grinder (graindor)
compañia de seguros insurance company The new law required everyone to have medical insurance The insurance company adeslas (insurens)
de todas las maneras de todas formas "yo lo encontre de todas las maneras" anyway i found out anyway
perdida nombre LOSS
ganancia sinónimo profit income He has a very high annual income.
firmar cantar sign sing
no durará mucho tiempo it wont take long
Diferencias remember y remind - Remind: Siempre a alguien. Siempre tiene un destinario, a ti mismo, a otra. - Puedes ser transitivo o intransitivo. Parece que cuando utilizas remind, es cuando le recuerda algo a alguien. " le recordé"
La razón completa, la razón total. it is the entire reason that i become i lawyer
asegurar assure
sinónimo advise counsel The princess ignored the wizard's wise counsel and opened the box.
despues de todo after all we were not working together on this after all
recoger She gathered some shells as souvenirs of the vacation. Recogió varias conchas de mar para llevárselas como recuerdo de sus vacaciones (gaba).
revivies relive
sinonimo limpiar, se podría decir pasar un trapo wipe i wouldnt wipe my ass with this (guaip)
sinónimo terror creepy Creepy movies give me nightmares. Las películas de terror me causan pesadillas.
pesadillas Creepy movies give me nightmares. Las películas de terror me causan pesadillas.
mejilla cheek Zelda's cheeks turned red with embarrassment.
Medidas cautelares (o algo parecido) Temporary restraining order Según el Diccionario Jurídico de Ediciones Heliasta: restraining order = orden judicial mediante la que se prohíbe determinada conducta restraining order = juicio de amparo; orden judicial que impide la acción de acusado mientras el tribunal está decidiendo.
deshacer undo you nned to undo this
pepinillo pickles Richard likes eating pickles.
reunirse, juntarse (parecido meeting más informal) get together The team leaders need to get together to discuss the problem
mezcla mixture The teacher got a mixture of different reviews
en continuo movimiento, merodeando en movimiento on the move After robbing the bank, he was constantly on the move trying to evade the authorities.
take out sacar they take out the knife
turn into convertirse she turned into a woman
engreido, arrogante cocky Kevin is cocky, but he makes a lot of mistakes.
rendirse (sinónimo de give up, give it) pero usado para tema de armas surrender all hostages being released and the hijacker surrendering.
scuestrador hijacker
libertad condicional parole
¡¡¡¡ad a
Lifelong passion Pasión de toda la vida
LOOK IT UP If I don't understand a word, I look it up in the dictionary. BUSCAR Si no entiendo una palabra, la busco en el diccionario.
It is high time I went to the doctor. Ya era hora de ir al médico.
STAPLER STAPLE (These are the staples of this project; we have to get these right.) GRAPADORA (Esto es la esencia de nuestro proyecto. Tenemos que hacerlo bien.)
"Having Fullfilled" his ambition, he promised to spend more time with his family. "Having done his homework, he went to play with his friends" "Habiendo hecho...X..." Se utiliza como sujeto y sirve para expresar, "una vez hecho esto, ...x"
take up a challengue asumir/enfrentarse al desafío
dismal failure Un fracaso triste. (Puede significar/ lugubre, deprimente, pésimo)
whereas He likes broccoli, whereas she hates it. "Mientras que, o también se utiliza como pero, generalmente en los speaking A él le gusta el brócoli, mientras que ella lo odia.
overnight success éxito de la noche a la mañana
rise to the challengue I hope that Member States will rise to the challenge when it comes to looking for better solutions on winding-up. Espero que los Estados miembros esten a la altura del desafio (a la altura de las circunstancias) de buscar mejores soluciones para realizar liquidaciones.
Change your tune -The mention of a hefty tip really changed the host's tune, so I think he'll be able to find us a table after all .-Wait till they see you in action. They'll change their tune then. You've changed your tune. You were the one who wanted us to be a family act. Cambiar de actitud/idea/humor
Información parcial, tendenciosa, que no es objetiva, y expreas el sentimiento del periodista. Declaraciones tendenciosas como éstas no deberían figurar en el informe. Biased information Biased statements like these shouldn't appear in the report. Declaraciones tendenciosas como éstas no deberían figurar en el informe.
Información que induce a error, confusa. Misleading informtion (recuerda leading que dirige a miss). Piensa en el mitico titular que parece una cosa luego lees la noticias y es otra. Por ejempklo, 50 personas han murto por coronavirus, luego lees lanoticias, y ves que en todo el año.
Actualizado, estar al día, al tanto Jen estaba siempre informada de los cotilleos de su boda. Jen was always up to date on her wedding.
comprehensive information informacion completa!!! (no comprensiva)!
echo a perder La relación pronto se enrareció. (echo a perder) Turn sour Their relationship quickly turned sour. (tambien signica cuando alimento see vuleve agrio)
Lanzar, tirar (no es throw). Por ejemplo, lanzar insultos, o tirar con rabia el ordenador Dan angrily hurled the broken computer down the stairs. Old Larry always sat on his front porch and hurled insults at the schoolchildren walking by.
Persona o empresa que vende objetos directamente al publico. (Minorista) retailer The company is a retailer of office equipment and furniture.
Mayorista. Empresa que vend objetos a otras empresas, o negocios (no al publico directamente) Mayorista wholesaler The store manager called the wholesaler to complain about the damaged goods that had been delivered.
LABERINTO MAZE/ a complicated system of paths or passages that people try to find their way through for entertainment It's almost impossible to get through the maze of bureaucracy.
Dificil de definir. IKEA. PAquete plano. FLAT PACKED FURNITURE a piece of furniture that is sold in pieces inside a flat box, ready for the buyer to put them together
Plano de algo. También para referirse a la disposición (localizacion) de algo. Layout When they came in, they started looking at the layout of the place. (mirar la disposition del lugar)
"Posiblemente, podría decirse que.." (sinonimo posible, used when stating an opinion or belief that you think can be shown to be true He is arguably the world's best football player. Arguably, the drug should not have been made available.
extranjeros foreigners
Necesariamente Tremendamente De manera irritante/frustante desalentadoramente Necessarily Massively frustratingly
Personalizar Esta tienda personaliza todos sus muebles según las especificaciones del comprador. Customize This shop customize all the furniture it makes to the buyer´s specifications
Estar dispuesto a
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