Surface waters + Pollution


Flashcards on Surface waters + Pollution, created by 19eh94 on 05/12/2013.
Flashcards by 19eh94, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 19eh94 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is water pollution? Any physical, biological or chemical change in water quality that effects it's living organisms.
What are point source and non-point sources? Point source is pollutant discharges from specific locations. Non-point sources is scattered and diffused.
What are some infectious agents? main source of waterborne pathogens is improperly treated human waste
What are "oxygen demanding wastes?" water with oxygen level of >6ppm will support aquatic life. Water with oxygen level >2ppm will only support detritevors and decomposers
How is oxygen cycled? Oxygen added by plant photosynthesis and removed by respiration and oxygen-demanding processes.
What are the 5 Trophic levels of Lakes from worst to better. Oligotrophoc Dystrophic Mesotrophic Eutrophic Hypertrophic
How much production does a lake need to be consisdered Dystrophic? Unproductive, acidic and poor nutrients.
What does it mean to be a "oligotrophic lake"? Unproductive, with sparse supply of nutrients.
What does Mesotrophic mean? That a lake is in an intermediate condition.
What does Eutrophic mean? Highly productive, due to an abundant supply of nutrients.
What does Hypertrophic mean? Most productive of them all. Extremely productive.
What does Eutrophication mean? Large increase in primary productivity of a body of water, ocuring in response to the addition of nutrients.
Explain limiting factors It is the rate of an ecological process that is limiting. What factor that is available least compared to biological demand.
What is Oxygen Demand? The amount of dissolved oxygen consumed by microorganisms.
Explain Oxygen Sag O levels decline downstream from a pollution source as decomposers metabolize waste materials.
What are some problems with releasing raw sewage? Causeing oxygen depletion from decompostion of organic matter. Pollution form fecal pathogens. Pollution by potential toxins.
What are some common nutrients in fresh water and open waters? PO4-3<-- nutrients in freshwater NO3- <-- butrients in open water
What are two Hydroelectric Developments? Run-of-the-river Dams and Impoundments
What is hydro electricity? A renewable source of electricity but causes environmental damage.
What is thermal Pollution? Raising or lowering water temperature from normal levels.
What are two forms of water pollution control? Source Reduction Sewage Treatment
What is Source Reduction? It's the easier and cheapest way to reduce pollution.. reduce the amount of toxins you use in the first place (Ex: using less road salt so it doesn't leak so much into fresh water lakes)
What are the three Stages of Sewage treatment? Primary--> separation of large solids Secondary--> degradation of DOM Tritiary--> Chlorination and removal of plant nutrients
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