health and safety legislaions


this will help you to complete your leaflet related to health and safety legislaions that are implemented in healh and social care settings
Lovena Armoogum
Flashcards by Lovena Armoogum, updated more than 1 year ago
Lovena Armoogum
Created by Lovena Armoogum over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
It sets out the general duties that employers have to work and abide too. this also affects members of the public that might enter the premises. It also lists the responsibilities employees and employers have to themselves and each other. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
There are many hazardous substances that you may use in a health and social care setting, as well as the obvious medical ones, everyday items like washing up liquid, soap and bleach are covered. Workers then have the responsibility to follow risk assessments and regulations that will inform and provide them of any protective clothing workers may need. Control of substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 COSHH
This legislation covers injury, dangerous occurrences and certain diseases. Any of these events by law must be recorded and maybe reported to health and social care exclusive. The HSE will investigate any cases of serious accidents. Accidents must always be recorded in full detail in an accident book. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)
These regulations specify standards for the structural requirements for the premises, equipment personal safety and wholesomeness of the food. Cooking and food preparation areas should be clean and all personal hygiene should be of high standard. Jewellery, in particular, rings, shouldn’t be wear as they are a possible source of infection, plus they could damage the protective gloves. Food should be stored and cooked thoroughly. Food safety Regulations 1995
A law to ensure the safety of data held. In a health and social care setting, personal information, whether paper based or electronic should be held securely and used appropriately. Personal information can be miss used, therefore should be accessed by authorised persons only. Data protection Act 1998
This regulation is in place to reduce the risk of injury due to lifting or moving objects or people. These regulations provide information for both employers and employees, the main principle is that you should avoid any manual handling if it’s at all possible, meaning using a hoist rather than carrying somebody yourself. Manual handling Operations Regulations 2002
This policy will have clear procedures for the prevention and control of infection. These policies will have been made to meet the requirements of each health and social care setting. Working in an environment like an individual’s home is going to restrict working with this policy as you are restricted on how clean this environment is that you are working in. Within the work place premises the infection control policy should be stuck to. Infection control policy
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