Biology 9b and 9a


Flashcards by isabel7865, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by isabel7865 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Biology 9a +9B GENETICS AND EVOLUTION. (9A) -environmental variation. -inherited variation. -chromosomes,genes and DNA -adaptation. -natural selection.
Why do some characteristics vary? Due to ENVIROMENTAL factors in an organisms surroundings
What tiles of factors are there? Living ENVIROMENTAL factors Physical enviromental factors
Give an example of A physical environmental factor For example the amount of sunlight
What causes environmental variation ? Variation in environmental factors
What is an ecosystem ? All the organisms and physical environmental factors
Inherited variation Is when the offspring inherited factors from the parent's's's is when the offspring inherited factors from the parents
Chromosomes geans and DNA Humans 23 chromosomes Zygote inherits chromosomes from parents
Natural selection
What do you use to show variation in characteristics? We draw a bell shaped line on a graph to show normal distribution
What is natural selection?
What does natural selection cause after a long period of time? Evolution
Biology 9B Photosynthesis Getting water, light and CO2 aerobic respiration Uses of glucose farming Breeding viorities
Photosynthesis Is a series of chemical reactions that can be summarised. With the word equation Energy and chlorophyll are needed
What is the word equation for photosynthesis? Carbon dioxide + Water ----------> glucose + Oxygen
Getting water
Describe the process of getting water What is taking out of the soil by the roots the roots are adapted to their function by being bronzed and spread out to help them absorb water from a large volume of soil . They also have root hair cells which have a large surface area to help them absorb water quickly. the water flows up xylem vessel is made of hollow cells to the leaf.
Getting carbon dioxide
Describe the process of getting cabon dioxide Containing carbon dioxide defuses into the leaves through small holes called stomata. Leeds are thin so that the carbon dioxide doesnot need to get very far before reaching the cells that need it. Increasing the amount of carbon dioxide is around a plant can often speed up photosynthesis.
Getting light Light
Describe the process of getting light Many leaves are wide so that they have a large surface area to trap as much light as possible. They are also arranged so that they do not shade one another. Most photosynthesis happens in the palisade cells, which are found near the upper surface of leaves. Palisade cells are packed with chloroplasts. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, agreeing a chemical that absorbs energy transferred by light and uses it to power photosynthesis. Increasing the amount of light can often speed up photosynthesis.
Aerobic respiration Glucose + oxygen ———---- water + carbon dioxide
Uses of glucose – respiration to release energy – making other substances – producing new materials for growth
Farming Methods for farming
Breeding varieties Farmers and plant breeders
What do farmers and plant breeders do? They choose or select A plant with certain characteristics
Why? It is then used to breed from
What is the process called? Selective breeding
What what is the process in which two different varieties are bread? crossbreeding
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