Taylor, Musay- Vocab Unit#6


Flashcards on Taylor, Musay- Vocab Unit#6, created by Musaytaylor on 06/12/2013.
Flashcards by Musaytaylor, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Musaytaylor almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Atone To make up for
Bondage Slavery; any state of being bound or held down
Credible Believable
Defray To pay for
Diligent Hardworking, industrious, not lazy
Doleful Sad; dreary
Ghastly Frightful, horrible; deathly pale
Hamper To hold back
Hew To shape or cut down with an ax, to hold to
Impoverished Poor, in a state of poverty; depleted
Incessant Never stopping, going on all the time
Intricate Complicated; difficult to understand
Lucid Easy to understand, clear, rational, sane
Posthumous Occurring or published after death
Prim Overly neat, proper, or formal, prudish
Sardonic Grimly or scornfully mocking, bitterly sarcastic
Superfluous Exceeding what is sufficient or required, excess
Supplant To take the place of, supersede
Taunt To jeer at, mock
Tenacious Holding fast; holding together firmly; persistent
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