

Flashcards on Inputs, created by 12gandolfo.j on 10/12/2015.
Flashcards by 12gandolfo.j, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 12gandolfo.j about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is an input device? A input device is used to enter data into a system.
Name two features of a KEYBOARD Used to input data (1) Pre programmed keys for letters, symbols and numbers (1)
What is a MOUSE? A pointing device used as a selection tool.
Concept Keyboard Specialised or concept keyboards are used in business eg: pubs and fast food restaurants.
Touch Screen A touch screen can detect exactly where on its surface it has been touched. Touch screens are used in railway stations for ticket purchase.
Joystick The main use is to play computer games by controlling the way something moves on the screen.
Digital Camera Takes pictures and stores them on a memory card which can be transferred onto a computer.
Webcam In-putted into a computer as part of a video conferencing system.
Digital Video Recorders Used to take video films which can be input into a computer.
Microphone Used to input sound into a computer system and often used for voice recognition systems.
Remote Control The remote controller can be switched on electronic devices such as televisions or hard disk video recorders. They issue commands from the pre-printed buttons and can enter characters to set dates and times.
Scanner Used to input hard copies of images and text into a computer.
MIDI Interface Musical Instrument Digital Interface and is used to connect musical instruments into a computer.
Graphics Tablet A graphics tablet consists of a flat surface and a stylus which can be used to produce freehand drawings or trace around a more complicated image.
Sensors A sensor is a device that changes analogue to digital signals so the computer can process them. A sensor collects mostly analogue input- moisture, heat, pressure, etc... No human intervention is required. This input device is accurate.
Sip and Puff Device This kind of switch is excellent for someone with a limited physical mobility. The puff-sip switch tube is placed in the persons mouth as they puff or sip. The switch itself is then connected to the computer. Specific software running on the computer can take this input and act on it in a number of ways.
Magnetic strip A magnet strip is a black strip on a plastic card and tends to hold static information that you don't want to alter.
Chip and PIN Chip and PIN refers to a card with a microchip and PIN number that can process information. It is sometimes called a smartcard. The card needs to be placed in a special terminal that can read the chip. The PIN entered is checked to see if it matches the PIN to the registered chip. If a match identified, the required processing can take place. E.G. credit cards/ passports/ contactless payment.
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