1917-1921 Lenin and the Bolsheviks in Power and the Russian Civil War


How did Lenin stay in power? Reds vs Whites
Joanna van Dyk
Flashcards by Joanna van Dyk, updated more than 1 year ago
Joanna van Dyk
Created by Joanna van Dyk about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who believed communism would need to spread to other countries if the revolution were to survive? Lenin
What part of the government took most decisions? the Politburo (top-down decision making)
When and why was the Cheka formed December 1917 to combat enemies of the state, using terror if necessary
How did Lenin placate the peasants he handed them the lands of the monarchy, nobility and church.
How did Lenin achieve peace? With the treaty of Brest -Litovsk
What did Russia lose in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk? 26% of the population 27% of arable land 26% of railway mileage 74% of iron ore and coal
How many seats did the communists win in comparison with the Social Revolutionaries in the newly convened constituent assembly? Social Revolutionaries 370 Communists 175
How long did the Constituent Assembly last for? One day Lenin did not win a majority and was not able to control the assembly
What other reforms did Lenin make? The power of the Orthodox church was removed Women were declared equal to men All ranks and titles were abolished
What was the White Army? Officers who had turned their troops against the communist government following the treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Which foreign countries supported the white army? Britain, France, the USA and Japan
Why did foreign powers aid the white army? They wished to recover assets in Russia which the communists had nationalized and feared the spread of communism
What would the triumph of the whites mean for peasants? return of the landlords
What sort of regime did the Whites want to replace the communists with? They were very divided: liberal democracy restored monarchy military dictatorship
What were some initial advantages of the whites? They outnumbered and surrounded the reds supported by capitalist powers
Why was the geography of the White Army a weakness? They were geographically divided so the Reds could fight them one at a time
Who did Trotsky employ to lead the red army? Former tsarist officers (including General Brusilov)
What would happen if these officers were not loyal? Political commissars were ordered to shoot them if they attempted to defect
What were the best Red units made up of? factory workers and soldiers who were commited to a communist victory
What happened to strikers and people who were persistently absent from work as a result of war communism? The death penalty would be imposed
What did the rationing system do? Denied food to those that did not support the soviet cause
How did Lenin tackle the food problem in the cities? He requisitioned grain from the peasants.
What did the peasants do in retaliation? they reduced grain production
How many people had died from famine by 1921 as a result? 7.5 million
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