Major cells: Units 1-11


English Midterm
Maggie Huntley
Flashcards by Maggie Huntley, updated more than 1 year ago
Maggie Huntley
Created by Maggie Huntley about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
a-, ab-, abs- away, from, off
a- an- not, without
acr-, acro- high, height
alt-, alti- high, height
ambi both
ant-, anti- against, opposite
ante- before, in front of
aqu-, aqua-, aque- water
-arium, -ary, -ery, -ory, -orium place for/of, belonging to/connected with, of the nature of
aster, astr-, astro- star(s)
aud-, audio-, audit- to hear
aut-, auth-, auto- of, by, for oneself, self-propelled
bi- bin-, bis- two, twice, double
bi-, bio-, bious- life, living
cent-, centi-, centu- a hundred, a hundredth part
chron-, chrono- time
co-, col-, com-, con-, cor- with, together, jointly
cracy-, crat-, cratic- cracy= rule/gov't, crat= one who rules, cratic= o/p rule/ gov't
cred-, credit- belief, trust, faith
de- to remove or undo, away from
dec-, deca-, decem-, deci-, decim-, decu- ten, a tenth part
di-, dia- across, through
dict- to say, to speak, to tell, word(s)
duce-, duct- to lead
e-, ex- out, out of, former
-et, -etta, -ette, -etto, -el, -ella, -let small, a group, having/showing a quality of
fore- before in time or place
gee-, geo- the earth
hecto- a hundred, characterized by a hundred
hem-, hemo-, -emia blood
hemi- half
hept-, hepta- seven
hex-, hexa- six
homo-, hom- one and the same, like
homi-, homo- man
hydr-, hydro- water
hyper- more than usual, above, over
hypo- less than usual
il-, im-, in-, ir in, into, within
il-, im-, in, ir-, neg-, non-, un- not, without
inter- between or among
intra-, intro- inside, within
-ject to throw, to cast
kilo- a thousand, characterized by a thousand
-logical, -logist, -logue, -logy, -loquy logical, logist, logy= a science or study of/ one who studies logue= a collection of/ a speech loquy= a speech
man-, mani-, manu- hand(s)
medi- in the middle, relating to the middle
-meter, -metry a measurement, a measure, that which is measured, the science of measuring
micr-, micro- small, a millionth
mill-, milli-, mile- a thousand, a thousandth partmon
mon-, mono- one, single, alone
mort-, mortu- to die, death
multi-, mult- many
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