Email flashcards


Flashcards on Email flashcards, created by 12asante.f on 21/01/2016.
Flashcards by 12asante.f, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 12asante.f about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Email etiquette/formal language It makes you effective because it sounds more professional because slang wouldn't
Inbox folders Makes you effective because it makes things easy when you are finding emails
Email signature Makes you more efficient because people think you are professional
Automatic replies Makes you more efficient because when your out it automatically sends a reply, which is quick
cc&bcc (carbon copy and blind carbon copy) Makes an automatic copy with people seeing. Makes automatic reply without people seeing
Sensible email address Makes you effective because you don't want a email with abbreviations and slang
Attachments Makes you efficient because your attachments are documents
Address book To save contacts and keep them organised
Drafts Is efficient because if you don't have time to write it fully you can save it have done
urgent emails Are effective because it comes up at an explanation mark so the reader views it to quicker
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