Created by micbell2000
over 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
Who is the construction superintendent? | A competent assistant in attendance at the Project site during performance of the Work. |
Who does the superintendent work for? | The Contractor and Contractor's organization. |
What are the superintendent's general duties? | Skillfully and diligently supervise the construction and direct the Work. Meets the conditions that deam that the Contractor shall perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. |
What should the superintendent do before construction? | Site visitation for familiarization with local conditions. Also if a preconstuction jobsite conference has been scheduled, the superintendent should attend. |
What should be included in the daily construction log? | 1. Day and date 2. Weather conditions 3. Trades and Personnel on the job. 4. Earth, materials, and equipment recieved. 5. Eath, debris, and excess materials removed 6. Names and roles of visitors. Delays and impending delays 8. Anticipated progress during next 7 days. 9. Brief summary of accomplishments and difficulties 10. Inspections, rejections, and approvals recieved. 11. Architect's instructions or interpretations recieved 12. Changed conditions 13. Unexpected or unforseen conditions 14. Accidents, injuries, and property damage 15. Safety procedures initiated |
What else should be accounted for in the logs between commencement and completion of termination of work? | The should have an entry for every day. This should also include days not worked because of labor disputes, adverse weather, lack of governmental approvals, owner's orders, lack of materials or any other reason. All days should be accounted for. |
What are the superintendent's duties during construction? | All tradititional duties on the jobsite usually assigned to contracting firms. These include being responsible for dimensional operations including looking ahead, coordinating trades, quality control, maintaining job-site records, keeping the contract documents and all modifications 'straight', and in general managing the project at the site. Including coordianting all portions of the work, inspecting the work of each trade, enforce strict discipline and good order among all persons on the job-site. Also responsible for keeping the site neat and orderly and in conformance with applicable laws and contract requirements. Usually organized the superintendent is the arrangement for approvals, permits and inspections. |
Describe scheduling, documentation and communications in more detail. | Progress Schedule: to show if practicable execution of the work is being performed based upon the agreed time limits. Submittal Schedule: shows if all specified submittals, are coordinated and consistent with construction schedule. Reflects proposed construction sequences and time allowances. Superintendent is expected to maintain at the site a complete up-to-date set of all drawings, specifications, and other contract documents, change orders, addenda, and modifications, as well as all approved shop drawings and samples. Communication with the Owner is usally done through the Architect, vice versa, communication with the Contractor is usually done with the Superintendent. |
What is 'substantial completion" and what happens at that point? | The stage of completeion when the owner may occupy or make use of the work for its intended purpose, even though there may be various items of incomplete (or defective work). The contractor must pepare a punch list (inspection list) tabulating all remaining incomplete and defective work. The architect will review and possible add to the contactor's lst. The Architect will then make a determination as to completion, binding on the woner and contracgtor, by issuance of a certificate of substantial completeion. The owner and contractor both sign as an indication of their mutual acceptance of the responsibilites assigned to each. The Superintendent must then start making arrangements with the subcontractors and suppliers to obtain all specified warranties, operating manuals and instructions, spare parts, and record drawings for submission to the architect. |
Describe responsibilities regarding protection, covering and correction of work. | The superintendent must initiate, maintain, and supervise all safety percautions and programs to carried out on the work. Reasonable percautions for safety and provide reasonable protection to prevent damage, injury, or loss to persons on or about the site, work or materials, or adjacent property. Must give any required notices and comply with all safety laws. Erect and maintain all reaonable safeguards needed and post all necessary warning notices. Owners and uses of adjecent properties and utilities must be warned of possible hazards. Responsible maagerial charge of the premices and not allow site or structure to be damaged. If work has been covered contrary to the the specifications of the architect's request before examination by the architect, it must be uncovered for observation. If uncovered work is not in accordance with the contract documents, the contractor will be required to pay all costs of uncovering and correction. |
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