Last Supper stuff u kno


This is the poem n analysis. I think its coming up so u know, stick to it. ;)
Lewis Gemmell
Flashcards by Lewis Gemmell, updated more than 1 year ago
Lewis Gemmell
Created by Lewis Gemmell about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does the title mean crew? It means this is the last meal that the couple are gonna have. It also has religious connotations.
"Not just for lent. (For Ever)" What does this do? Confirms with certainty the relationship is over. Its written on two lines so it reads as slow and calculated, like its been thought through. Idk tho Lents religious as well. Ppl give stuff up for a period of time, but she's giving him up For Ever.
What are the religious connotations? Renounce is used when someone gives up faith, shes giving up her faith in him. Lent is when ppl give stuff up. 'betrayal with a kiss' like judas, affectionate action with a darker purpose kinda like her and what shes doing as well. Last Supper, final meal before the end of the relationship.
"the cooked goose" Whats it about? Cooked goose is a metaphor. Cause it references the meal shes made adn teh idiom, "your goose is cooked" which means to ruin or damage something or someone, like their relationship.
Witch References? What are they? "when those three met again" Macbeth, reminds the reader of other times women gather for dark purposes lol. "cackling around the cauldron" Alliteration. Adds a sinister tone to the meeting suggesting something dark n evil.
"munching the lies, fat sizzling like sausages." Analysis? Its metaphor, similie and alliteration. Offt The eating and the btchin about the man are one and the same. There roasting him, eating him and tearing him for what he is, metaphorically. "sizzling like sausages" ugly imagery of anuhealthy but tasty meal. What there doing, btchin bout him, is not nice but its very appealing. The woman are not kind or sympathetic, and have fun slating him.
Break Card. Take a good five second break. Breath. Tick it though, so u get the 100% lol Ur breaking. Breaking. On a break. Breaking.
"cackling around the cauldron" What do u mean? WITCHES, alliteration creates a harsh and aggressive tone. Don't ask, it just does k "The word choice of 'cackling' implies that the girls are like Macbeth's witches, who feel superior to men and their mistakes" quote from good source. (It's Calum lol)
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