Mountain Uses-Mining


Mountain uses overview and case studies
Andrea  Coley
Flashcards by Andrea Coley, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea  Coley
Created by Andrea Coley about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
MOUNTAIN USES 1. Mining 2. Tourism 3. Hydro-electric Power 4. Farming
1. Gold Mining Yanacocha Mine Location: 850km NNW of Lima, Peru
Key info Gold mine - Owned by Minera Yanacocha Company 55% of Peruvian economy comes from mining
Positives 8000 jobs Mining company invested millions in local 'social projects' like schools 50% of income tax from the mine is payed to the area not the Peruvian Government.
Negatives Open cast mine- environment can not be repaired afterwards Quechua People's water supply contaminated by mercury + cyanide = People in the area got sick- babies with birth defects Habitats destroyed and farm land contaminated
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