
free flash cards , questions to prepare for PMI ACP exam
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who prioritizes the backlog to maximize the value of the product product owner
what is "grooming" in the context of prioritizing backlog grooming -- team and product owner works together based ont the team estimates and re-prioritize the backlog
who is responsibe for scrum process scrum master
who is responsible for velocity predictions TEAM team members knows the technical difficulties and the challenges within the project , so they have better knowledge to predict the velocity
what is velocity team capacity to complete an iteration
__ practice is at project management level. __ practice is at software development level. scrum XP
agile 4 values match the below items between the 2 groups people and interactions delivering software respond to change collaborate with customer -------------------- contract negotiation tools and techniques comprehensive documentation following plan 1.people and interactions than tools and technques 2.delivering software than comprehensive documentation 3.collaborate with customer than contract negotiation 4.respond to change than folllowing the process
which methodology has : collective code ownership which methodology has indvidual code ownership xp-collective code ownership FDD - individual code ownership
in FDD , the problems arised with the individual code ownership will be controlled by feature teams.
DSDM (dynamic systems development methodology) focus on ? Business Need
which is not an agile methodology but closely related. lean
which methodology is derived from lean kanban
which 2 methodologies focus more on eliminating waste lean and kamban
what is product roadmap visual overview of product releases and its main components
what is gulf-of-explanation what customer explains and what listener interprits
true/false earned value leading indicator.trying to depect future completion dates and final costs true
what is SPI completed features OVER planned features.
what is CPI cost performance indicator ev/ac earned value over the actual cost
correct the agile manifesto principle here. our highest priority is to satisfy the customer with incremental delivery of the ___ valuable software
correct the agile manifesto principle here. continous attention to techncial excellency and good design enhances ____ Agility
correct the agile manifesto principle here. simplicity - the art of ____ amount of work ___ done is ___ simplicity - the art of MAXIMIZING amount of work NOT done is ESSENTIAL
correct the agile manifesto principle here. "welcome the change requests even ____ in development…. agile process _____ change for customer competitive advantage" "welcome the change requests even LATE in development…. agile process HARNESS change for customer competitive advantage"
XP Programming values are: SCFCR what is each letter stands for SIMPLICITY COURAGE FEEDBACK COMMUNICATION RESPECT
is XP needs ONE team or WHOLE team whole team
which mehodology has invidividual code ownership FDD (Feature driven development)
who will control the problems arised with individual code ownership in FDD feature teams
ROI how much money ,net of costs expended, will be returned when the project is overr
NPV net present value pv =fv/interest rate "calculating value in todays for a future amount, given an assumed interest rate or inflation rate
NPV total benefits (income-cost) for a revenue stream adjusted to todays value.
npv- is the total benefits of a revenue stream adjusted to todays value. provide an example on how you will calculate true ROI and Pay Back period assume that you want to choose the best house for rental purpose. you will choose the house which gives more rent to meet ROI and the pay back period. so NPV : total benifits (rent -community maintanance cost) of a revenue stream (monthly rents) adjusted to todays value (cost of the house)
process cycle effeciency PCE = total VALUE-ADD TIME/total CYCLE TIME (value add + non value add)
kano analysis classify customers in to 4 categories (mnemonic : laughing buddha) exciter satisfier dissatisfier indifferent
team conflict levels problem resolution disagreement context crusade world war
__ is a 15 minutes time boxed event. any discussions on how to fix should be discussed offline. daily stand-up meeting
daily stand-up meeting has 3 types of questions what has been achieved since the last meeting. what we are going to do today what are the road blocks
correct the below for what XP recommends 1)collective code ownership OR common code ownership 2) common standards OR team standards 3) one team or whole team its collective code ownership common standards whole team
FDD (feature driven development) steps develop the model (prototype) build feature list plan the feature list develop the feature list
DSDM focusses on business need
DSDM stands for dynamic systems development model
is "Lean" is an agile methodology NO. but it closely aligned to agile.
lean and kamban focus more on eliminiate waste optimize the whole differ decisions
differ decisions means plan but dont commit early , delay to finalyze the plan till you develop
__ is a visual overview of product release and main components product road map
walking skeleton on a story map represents prioritized features
WIP limits - equate to the __ no.of features that are being worked on but not yet accepted by business
what is gulf of explanation what customer explains and what listener interprets
Agile project charter contains agile charter - authorization document , contains scope at high level (NOT at detailed level as this will change) , contains iteration approach,release approach and acceptance criteria, 5 WH (what ,why,who,when,where,how)
customer prioritization techniques MOSCOW(must , should ,could,would) kano (*laughing buddha) relative - a simple list , but you can accept the new change requests and prioritize in release list if there is a business value to it by pushing the low priority out 100 POINT MONEY MONOPOLY story map ( hanging skeleton has minimum features required to run the system)
what is the difference between WIP and cycle time elapsed time between start and finished dates. = cycle time = wip/throughput project cycle time is the -- average of each work item cycle time
SPI AND CPI SPI = completed features / planned features CPI = EV/AC
steps to resolve the bottlenecks in agile planning 1)identify the constraint -->exploit it -->subordinate all other process to exploit it--> if no, elevate it --> if no repeat from step1
tools to align the stakeholders requirements/interests wireframes(prototypes) personas ( as a user , i want,for,THESE ARE NOT THE ACTUAL REQUIREMENS , BUT THEY AUGMENT THE REQUIREMENTS) user stories -- chunks (as a user , i want this , so that i will benefit...helps to prioritization)
what is INVEST stands for and where it applies to INVEST are the charecterstics of a user story they should be Independent Negotiable Valueble Estimizable Small(not too small or not too long, it should be reasonable) Testable(*not timely)
in requirement hierarchy , user stories at the ___ middle hierachy : features - user stories - tasks
true /false story maps helps as a product road map to see when the features are delivered true
burn down and burn up charts represents **burndown(estimated effort remaining ), burnup(completed one)
what is velocity TEAM capacity per ITERATION
true or false active listenening : "do what i mean , not what i say" true
active listeneing listering from internal(with out fear about how its effecting u as a threat)-->focused(jump into his shoes through his expresions -->global(physical and envronmental(private talk,secrets etc)
what is G-ART stands for in facilitating meetings listering from internal(with out fear about how its effecting u as a threat)-->focused(jump into his shoes through his expresions -->global(physical and envronmental(private talk,secrets etc)
participatory decision models #participatory decison models simple voting thums up , down , side highsmith -- 5 litmus colors and every one vote on thse shades. the one with NO has to share their concenrs, "middle" guys will register their concerns to discuss later fist of 5 - quick voting
in highsmith participatory decision models the one with NO has to share their concenrs, "middle" guys will register their concerns to discuss later fist of 5 - quick voting
what i FICH stands for in leadership behaviour Forward looking Inspiring Competent Honest
self organizing team makes ____ decisions local decisions
when is the appropriate time to coach WHOLE TEAM and ONE ON ONE whole team - between iterations one on one - during iterations
coach whole team at **whole team coaching - during iteration boundaries. where team meets during the begining & end of the iterations during planning,retrospectives,etc
coach one one one at and through *one-one - during the iterations meet them ½ step ahead means dont push them , but instead coach and meet them guarantee safety meet their managers -- talk to functional managers and appreciate ur team mmeber work create positive regard -- even you dont like the team member, u need to have a desire to help people
brain storming techniques quite writing (take your time) , round robin (pass it to next person), ,free for all (shout the ideas , but silencers may not get opportunity)
osmotic communication -- flows well in war rooms and co-located teams.. its good
#self organizing teams are _____ driven consensus
wide band delphi * wide band delhpi /planning poker - team members sends estimations with out mention their names ( avoids bandwagon effect(popular) and halo effect(following by hal(experts)) s
participatory decision games wide band delphi and planning poker
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