Strong and weak acids and ionic equations and precipitation


Chemistry Flashcards on Strong and weak acids and ionic equations and precipitation, created by bo_97 on 15/04/2013.
Flashcards by bo_97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bo_97 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what is the difference between strong acids and weak acids strong acids ionize completely in water releasing h+ and weak acids only ionize partially in water releasing h+
How is the concentration of an acid determined it is determined by how many mole of the acid are dissolved in 1dm3
How is the concentration of an acid determined it is determined by how many mole of the acid are dissolved in 1dm3
how is the strength of an acid determined it is determined by how much it ionizes
describe strong acid including there properties they have low ph than weak acids, they ionize completely as a result there are more h+ more concentrated so more collisions meaning faster reactions
hydrochloric acid fully ionizes what is the equation HCl -> H+ + Cl-
ethanoic acid partially ionizes what's the equation CH3COO- + H+
Acid conducts electricity, describe why strong acids are better conductors acids conduct electricity, strong ones conduct electricity better because there are more h+ ions to carry charge. which is why hydrocloric acid is a better conductor than ethanoic
in electrolysis of hydrochloric or ethanoic acid which electrode is hydrogen gas made at and how its made at the negative electrode, because the h+ is attaracted to the negative where it gains an electron becoming hydrogen gas
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