Indications, Contraindications and Complications of IV Access


Flash cards to assist in remembering the indications, contraindications and complications of Peripheral Intravenous Access
Flashcards by jody.stroud, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jody.stroud almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Infiltration Infiltration - leakage of a non-vesicant fluid from a vein into the surrounding tissue. Can cause - compression of nerves and acute limb compartment syndrome. (Dychter, Gold, Carson, & Haller, 2012)
Extravasation Extravasation - leakage of a vesicant solution from its intended vascular pathway into the surrounding tissue. Can cause - blistering, severe tissue injury to skin, tendons, muscles and can cause necrosis. (Dychter, Gold, Carson, & Haller, 2012)
Infection Can range from minor irritation or a localised site infection to increased morbidity and mortality from bloodstream infection or septicaemia (Dychter, Gold, Carson, & Haller, 2012)
Phlebitis and Thrombophlebitis Thrombophlebitis - Inflammation from a blood clot Phlebitis - Inflammation of a vein. From: Chemical (substance used) Mechanical (movement of cannula in vein) or Bacterial ("BD infusion therapy products - iv catheters - clinical expertise," 2016)
Venous Air Embolus Occurs when one or more air bubbles enter a vein. Results in ischaemia and can happen due to an unflushed line. Flushing is paramount ("Peripheral venous cannulation," n.d.)
Artery Puncture Puncture of an artery. Causes arterial spasm and eventual loss of limb, usually from gangrene. ("Peripheral venous cannulation," n.d.)
Haematoma An enclosed mass of blood in the tissue outside of the vein. Causes: Unsuccessful insertion Incomplete insertion Tourniquet above previous attempt site Unskilled clinician Lack of pressure over site of discontinued catheter Large cannula (‘BD infusion therapy products - IV catheters - clinical expertise’, 2016)
Indications IV fluid resuscitation Administration of analgesic medications (Roberts, Custalow, Thomsen, & Hedges 2013)
Contraindications Extremity with a fistula Extremities with large oedema, burns, cellulitis or injury. Extremity that is on same side as mastectomy (Dychter, Gold, Carson, & Haller, 2012 & Roberts, Custalow, Thomsen, & Hedges 2013)
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