
AS - Level History (America) Flashcards on URBANISATION FLASHCARDS, created by Milana Nikolova on 15/04/2016.
Milana Nikolova
Flashcards by Milana Nikolova , updated more than 1 year ago
Milana Nikolova
Created by Milana Nikolova almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
GNP 1940 $99 BILLION
GNP 1950 $285 BILLION
GNP 1960 $500 BILLION
personal buying power (wages) 1950 $8.4 BILLION
personal buying power (wages) 1960 $45 BILLION
salaries of white families in 1953 and 1960 $4,300-> $5,600
salaries of non-white families in 1953 and 1960 $2,500 -> $3,200
population in 1940 and 1955 130 million -> 165 million
Why did urbanisation happen? 1. higher quality of life in cities 2. easier to acquire consumer goods 3. 1.8 million black people escaped the poverty and discrimination of the Old South by moving to Northern cities
people in urban areas in 1950 and 1960 1950 - 96 million 1960 - 125 million
people in rural areas in 1950 and 1960 from 23 million to 13 million
1960s black areas in cities Watts (LA) West and North Philadelphia South Bronx and Harlem (NY)
high-rise buildings built in cities 1949-1959 320,000 (not enough)
conditions attached to the sale of a house in the suburbs restrictive covenants; could not be sold to Jewish or Black Americans, in order "ensure racial cohesion"
who created restrictive covenants The Federal Housing Administration
Levittowns 40s, 50s typical suburbia white and middle class potential residents given cheap loans
how many families owned homes in 1960 3 in 5 families (it was the norm to own a house)
how many people moved to the suburbs 1950-1960 18 million
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