Compounds 1.2


Ahmed Almohammed
Flashcards by Ahmed Almohammed, updated more than 1 year ago
Ahmed Almohammed
Created by Ahmed Almohammed almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are compounds? Substances made of lattices or identical molecules of two or more types of atoms.
What is the similarity between compounds and elements? Elements and compounds have unique sets of properties.
How can scientists develop useful materials such as perfumes and plastic? By understanding how the elements combine to form new substances.
The human body is made up of just 16 elements.However, 98.5% of the body is made up of just six. What are they? Oxygen(65%) Carbon(18%) Hydrogen(10%) Nitrogen(3%) Calcium(1.5%) Phosophorus(1%)
How are the molecules shaped in compounds? The molecules in many compounds are small and contain just a few atoms.However,all the molecules in any compound are all identical in size, shape and a number of atoms.
How do scientists represent the molecules of compounds? Similar to the molecules of elements, molecules of compounds are represented by a molecular formula such as H*2*O
Describe the atoms in compound lattices. In lattices, the atoms are bonded very strongly to each other so they tend to be very hard solids at room temperature.
What does NaCl tell you? (Table salt) From this formula, you can tell see that table salt is made up from sodium(Na) and chlorine(Cl).
What does this chemical formula indicate? ----------->SiO2<--------- (Beach sand) It indicates that in a grain of beach sand, there is one silicon atom for every two oxygen atom.
What are mixtures? Any combinations of two or more elements and compounds
How is air a mixture? Air is a mixture because it is a mixture of oxygen,nitrogen,water vapour,carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Why isn't there any chemical formula for mixtures? It is because the molecules in mixtures are not identical.
Why is it that any two gases are easily mixed together? Any two gases are easily mixed together because the particles of a gas are separated by large distance.
What is it referred to when small liquid particles are mixed into a gas? Smoke or dust
What is the difference between miscible and immiscible? Liquids that can be mixed are said to be miscible while liquids that don't mix are said to be immiscible.
What happens when gasses are mixed into liquids? They may dissolve to form a solution or the gases may remain within the liquid as bubbles. In this case, the mixture is called a foam.
What is a colloid? A colloid is a mixture where at least two types of substances are placed together
What is a suspension? A suspension is a mixture of a liquid and particles of a solid. In this case, the particles do not dissolve.
What are alloys? Alloys are a mixture of a metal with other metals or non-metals.
Why are alloys important? Alloys are important because they often have very different and useful properties compared to the pure metal.
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