Ancient Egypt


7 History and geography Flashcards on Ancient Egypt, created by Zayn Bukhari on 04/05/2016.
Zayn Bukhari
Flashcards by Zayn Bukhari, updated more than 1 year ago
Zayn Bukhari
Created by Zayn Bukhari almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What were the ancient Egyptian's king called? The pharoaohs
What was the supremacy and wealth of the pharaohs illustrated by? A huge treasure of gold and jewellery buried with them on their deaths and later found in their tombs
How much does Tutankhamen's gold funerary mask cost? $1 000 000 at scrap prices, and an unlimited sum as a work of art
How tall are the four colossal statues of Ramses II at Abu Simbel? 20 meters high
What was the Khepresh? It was known as the blue crown or war crown.
What was the Hedjet? The white crown of Upper Egypt
What was the Deshret? The red crown of Lower Egypt
What was the Pschent? It was a combined crown of red and white that united Egypt
What did Khufu force the people of Egypt to do? He forced them to build him a pyramid that became known as 'The Great Pyramid' at Giza
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