Unit 2 - Finance Key Defintions


AS Business - Finance Key Definitions
Joshua Smith
Flashcards by Joshua Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Joshua Smith
Created by Joshua Smith almost 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Start Up Capital The money raised to start the business
Working Capital The finance available day-to-day to run the business
Asset Things the business owns
Cash Flow Forecast A prediction of cash inflows and outflows over a future period of time
Cash Flow Statement A document of cash inflows and outflows that have happened
Cash Flow Problem When a business does not have enough cash to be able to pay its liabilities
Extrapolation Uses trends established from historical data to forecast the future
Independent Variable The factor that causes the dependent variable to change
Dependent Variable The variable that is influenced by the indpendent variable
Demand The amount of a product that customers are prepared to buy
Revenues The amount of a product that customers actually buy from a firm
Costs Amounts that a business incurs in order to make goods and/or provide services
Variable Costs Costs that change as output varies
Fixed Costs Costs that do not chnage as output varies
Profit The reward or return for taking risks and making investments
Contribution The difference between sales and variable costs to look at the profit made on individual products
Margin of Safety The difference between actual output and breakeven output
Corporation Tax Tax paid to the government on prfits made by the business
Ratio Analysis Analysing relationships between financial data to asses the performance of a business
Gross Profit The difference between revenue and cost of sales
Operating Profit Records how mcuh profit has been made in total from the trading activities of the business before account is taken of how business is financed
Taxation An estimate of how much corporation tax that is likely to be payable on the profits for the period
Profit for the Year The amount of profit that is left after the tax has been accounted for
Administration Expenses Operating costs and expenses that are not directly related to producing the goods or services are recorded here
Liabilities How much money has been borrowed or invested and where this money has come from
Fixed Assets Asstes that the business actually owns and which are therfore "fixed" into the company
Current Assets Assets the business hold temporarily or that are always changing
Current Liabilities Short term borrowings or investment and always changing
Share Capital Money which shareholders have invested in the business
Liquidity Ratios Asses whether a business has sufficient cash or equivalent current assets to be able to pay its debts as they fall due
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