Created by Marian Alarcon
almost 9 years ago
Question | Answer |
Causar buena impresión en alguien | To make a good impression on Sb |
Evaluar | To asses |
Los objetivos están alineados | The goals are aligned |
Duradero | Lasting |
Jerarquía | Pecking order |
Evolucionar | To evolve |
Responsable de contratación | Hiring manager |
Vacante | Vacant Position Vacancy |
De vez en cuando | Ocasionally |
Sobrevivir con 1000€ | Get by on 1000€ |
En relación a ... | Related to |
Aparte de ser.... | Besides being |
A pesar de... | Regardless of... Despite ... In spite of ... |
Qué tal?? | What have you been up to? What have you been doing? |
Pedir salir a alguien... | To ask somebody out |
Coche de empresa | Company car |
Seguro medico | Health Insurance |
Plantilla, empleados | Staff |
Ya es hora de que haga esto. | It's about time I did this... |
Postponer | Put off, postpone |
Acabar haciendo algo | To end up doing something |
Prestamo | Loan |
Ponerse la medalla por algo | Take the credit for Sth |
Verse haciendo algo | To see yourself doing Sth |
Trabajo administrativo, de oficina | Clerical job |
Facturacion | Turnover |
Ingresos | Income, revenue |
Tun tun | Willy nilly |
Rellenar formulario | Complete a form |
Codearse con alguien | Brush shoulders with someone |
Superar (un miedo, mala racha, enfermedad) | To get over, to overcome |
Con el rabo entre las piernas | With his tail between his legs |
Ver las cosas desde otra perspectiva | To see things with a different light |
La alternativa siempre es mejor | The grass is always greener on the other side |
Burbuja | Cocoon, bubble |
Rozadura, arañazo, rasguño | Scrape |
Abolladura | Dent |
Abollar | Dent in |
Quedarse corto, ser insuficiente | To fall short of |
Encontrarse con alguien (inesperadamente) | Bump into someone |
Hacer obra en casa | To do up a house |
Comedor | Dining room |
Humilde | Humble, modest |
Ser el primero en algo | Stay ahead of the game |
Multa | Fine |
Taller | Garage |
Fiable | Reliable |
De trato facil | Easy to get along with |
Organizado | Organized |
Critica constructiva | Constructive criticism |
Extrovertida | Out going |
Salir a correr | To go for a run |
Ir a pie | Go on foot |
Hermanos y hermanas | Siblings |
Clases particulares | Private classes |
Ir por el buen camino | To be on the right track |
Pillar, ser pillado | Catch out, to be caught out |
Me encantaría ir | I would really enjoy going |
Cifras | Figures |
Poner toda la carne en el asador en... | To pull out the stops for... |
Mientras tanto... | Meanwhile |
Mientras que como... | While eating... |
Rellenar una encuesta | To take a survey |
Motivador | Motivating |
Sin lugar a dudas | Beyond doubt |
Mas allá de.... | Beyond |
Si no.... | Otherwise |
Cobrar | Collect |
Fingir | Pretend |
Con una condición | On one condition |
Es una pena | It is a shame |
Por último... | Ultimately |
Ultimamente | Lately |
Fiel a alguien | Faithful to someone |
Animar, fomentar | Encourage |
Necesitado | Needy |
Interesante, atrayente, atractivo. | Appealing |
Ponerse medallas a uno mismo | To blow your own trumpet |
Contratación | Hiring |
Truco de cartas | Card tricks |
Traicionar | Betray |
Engañarse a uno mismo | Deceive yourself |
Dedicada, comprometida, enganchada | Engaged |
Puerta fría | Cold calling |
Relacion (entre cosas, ideas) | Connection |
Hazmelo saber llamandome | Let me know by calling me |
Autosuficiente | Self-sufficient |
Sensible | Sensitive |
Facilidad | Ease |
Estate tranquilo | Take it easy |
Evaluacion | Assesment |
Asi | Thus |
Rendimiento | Performance |
Resultados (de una empresa) | Bottom line |
Guardarlo como oro en paño | Guard it with your life |
No te atrevas!!! | Don't you dare!! |
Creerse Dios (negativo) | To look down on everyone |
Convencer | Persuade |
Voluble, veleta,caprichoso | Fickle |
Hoja de gastos | Expense report, expense sheet |
Antigüedad en la empresa | Seniority in the company |
Ayudas, beneficios | Aids, benefits |
Intereses Comunes | Shared Concerns |
Estar agradecido por algo | To be grateful for something |
Crear un nicho de mercado | to carve a niche |
Pasárseme por la cabeza | to cross my mind |
Examinar en profundidad | To explore something further |
Enfrentarse a algo | To face something |
Seguir siendo competitivo | To stay competitive |
Dar el siguiente paso | To take the next step |
Tomarse algo en serio | To take something seriously |
Aun así | Even so |
No es el tema al que estamos | It is off-topic |
No tener elección | Not to have much choice |
Desmotivado | Demotivated |
Cabos sueltos | Loose ends |
Saber a qué atenerse | To know what to expect |
Actualmente | At present |
Finalmente, al final | Eventually |
Publico (sustantivo) | Audience |
Personaje famoso | Celebrity |
El que toma las decisiones | Decision maker |
Tasa | Rate |
Feria | Trade fair |
Dejarlo para mas adelante | Leave it for later |
Distraido | Distracted |
Obstaculo | Hindrance |
Hablar en nombre de... | To speak on behalf of... |
Estar de servicio | To be on duty. |
Sin compromiso | No pressure |
Hacer seguimiento | To monitor, to follow up |
Horario | Working hours |
Esto me supera | This is really beyond me, this is over my head |
Enfoque integral | Integrated approach |
Por defecto | By default |
A la atencion de... | Consignee |
Pegar, encajar. Por ejemplo: en un lugar. Yo no encajo en Alemania. O ropa. | To catch on. I don't catch on in Germany. Those boots don't catch on nowdays. |
Entender rápido/despacio una explicación | To catch on quik/slow an explanation. |
Complicado (persona, situación) | To be awkward |
Sentirse avergonzado | To feel awkward/embarrased |
Según he oído | Apparently |
Reacio a | Reluctant to |
Denunciar a alguien | To sue sb |
Tropezarse | To trip |
Lanzar una indirecta | To drop a hint |
Tonto (poco inteligente) | Thick |
Patoso | Clumsy |
Al final | In the end (not at the end) |
Lleno, petado...(agenda) | Packed |
Frenetico/agitado | Hectic |
Resultar (al final) | Turn out |
Lo vamos llevando, vamos sobreviviendo, resistir, pelear hasta el final.. | To hang in |
Mucho mas | Way more, way better |
Como lo estas llevando? | How are you holding up? |
Aflojar, amainar (tormenta, situación frenética en el trabajo) | To let up |
Sensato | Sensible |
Sensible | Sensitive |
Encajar en un sitio o en un grupo | To fit in at (social gatherings) |
Presentarse, aparecer (una persona) | Turn up Show up |
Irse, salir, partir | Set off |
Surgir, aparecer inesperadamente (problemas, inconvenientes) | To come up |
Molestar Algo me molesta | Get to Sth gets to me. |
Llegar a un sitio | To Get to somewhere |
Alcanzar (fisicamente) No llego a la cremallera | To get to I can't get to the zip |
Convocatoria (de reunión) | Meeting request |
Necesitar (Necesito un descanso) | I could do with (I could do with a break) |
Necesitaba (Necesitaba un descanso) | I could have done with (I could have done with a break) |
No necesito, no me hace falta | I can do without |
Colarse | To push in |
Ser bienvenidas, aceptadas (noticias, eventos) Caer una noticia Como crees que se lo van a tomar tus clientes? | To go down well (with sb) How do you think it'll go down with your clients? |
Ponerse malo, enfermo | To go/come down with something |
Ponerse al día con algo | To catch up with sth To catch sth up |
Bloquearse, no poder avanzar (física y figurativamente) | To be/get stuck |
Pista, recomendaciones | Hint |
Lanzar una indirecta | To drop a hint |
Pillar una indirecta | To take the hint |
Tener éxito, triunfar | To land on one's feet |
Continuar (una acción, porque eres constante) | To keep up the level |
No me malinterpretes | Don't make me wrong |
Implicar Eso implica intervenir | To Entail That entails interfering. |
La historia trata | The story is about... |
De que trata? | What is it about? |
Por lo visto | Apparently |
Rechazar | Turn down Reject |
Punto debil | Weakness, weak spot |
Adaptarse, arreglarselas | To get along |
Me cuadra, me encaja | It fits to me, it suits me... |
Ceder | To cave |
He tocado techo | I have reached the limit I've gone as far as I can in this job The job doesn't give me the challenges i need any more |
Local (comercial, pe) | Premise |
Insinuar | Imply |
Permitir, tolerar (normalmente en negativo) | To stand for. I won't stand for that kind of behavior. |
Adecuado | Appropriate |
Plan de incentivos | Incentive plan, incentive scheme |
Acogedor, hogareño | Cozy |
Despedir (del,trabajo) | To dismiss To sack To give someone the sack |
Fruncir el ceño | To frown |
Inevitable | Inevitable (Enébetabol) |
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