Coding, Capacity and duration of memory


My flashcards about the coding, capacity and duration of the memory stores- AQA psychology
Elise Lambert
Flashcards by Elise Lambert, updated more than 1 year ago
Elise Lambert
Created by Elise Lambert almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is meant by coding? The way in which information is stored in various memory stores.
Who conducted research into the coding of the STM and LTM? Alan Baddeley
How did Baddeley conduct his research? He gave different lists of words to four groups of participants to remember: 1) acoustically similar 2) acoustically dissimilar 3) semantically similar 4) semantically dissimilar
How is the STM coded? Acoustically
How is the LTM coded? Semantically
What was a limitation of the coding? Baddeley's study used artificial stimuli that had no meaning to the participant. This suggests that the findings have limited application
What is meant by capacity? The amount of information that can be held in a memory store.
Who did research into the capacity of the STM? 1) Jacobs 2) Miller
What was Jacobs' study into the capacity of STM? He measured the digit span. The research gives, for example, 4 digits and the participants have to recall it. The amount of digits is increased each time until the participant does not recall correctly.
What was is the mean span for digit recall? 9.3
What is the mean span for letter recall? 7.3
What was Miller's study into the capacity of the STM? suggested that we can remember 7 plus or minus 2 chunks of info.
What are two limitations of capacity? Lack of validity- confounding variables Not so many chucks- cowan suggested that the capacity was only around four chunks
What is meant by duration? The amount of time information can be held in the memory.
Who did research into the duration of the STM? Peterson and Peterson
What was Peterson and Peterson's research into STM? They tested 24 undergads. Gave then a trigram and then told them to could backwards from a three digit number to prevent rehearsal. On each trial they were stopped after a period of time.
What was the conclusion of Peterson and Peterson's study concluded that the duration of the STM is extremely short- between 18 and 30 seconds.
Who did research into the duration of the LTM? Bahrick who tested the recall from old yearbook photos.
what did Bahrick conclude about the duration of the LTM? It can last a lifetime.
What is a limitation of duration? meaningless stimuli in STM study- artificial stimuli and low external validity
what is a strength of duration or LTM? Higher external validity- Real life meaningful stimuli was studied
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