Minority influence


My flashcards about minority influence - AQA psychology
Elise Lambert
Flashcards by Elise Lambert, updated more than 1 year ago
Elise Lambert
Created by Elise Lambert about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does minority influence refer to? The situation where on person or a small group of people influences the beliefs and behaviour of other people.
Why is this this opposite to conformity? In conformity, the majority is doing the influencing.
What are 3 things that affect minority influence? Consistency, Commitment and flexibility
What is meant by consistency? the minority keep the same beliefs both over time, and between all the individuals that form the minority.
What are the two types of consistency? synchronic consistency diachronic consistency
what is meant by synchronic consistency? The minority all say the same thing
what is meant by diachronic consistency? They have been saying the things for a while
What is the affect of consistency? Increases the amount of interest from other people and makes them rethink their own views
What is meant by commitment? how far the minority will go to demonstrate dedication to their beliefs, usually resulting in making personal sacrifices
What Is the augmentation principle? When people make personal sacrifices for their beliefs so that they get the majority group to pay attention.
What is meant by flexibility? The minority is more successful when they show that they are willing to compromise.
What is meant by the snowball effect? the change of something being the minority view to it having become the majority view.
What research support is there for consistency? Moscovici et al- got six people to view and set of 36 blue coloured slides and state whether they were blue or green. Two always said they were green. the participants gave the wrong answer on 8.42% of trial. with an inconsistent minority agreement fell to 1.25%
What research supports minority influence as a whole? Martin et al. found that participants were less willing to change a certain viewpoint when they heard it from a minority rather than a majority.
What is a limitation of minority influence? Moscovici used artificial tasks that external validity because do not mirror real life
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