Ainsworth strange situation


My flashcards on Ainsworth's strange situation - AQA psychology
Elise Lambert
Flashcards by Elise Lambert, updated more than 1 year ago
Elise Lambert
Created by Elise Lambert almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What was the strange situation? A controlled observations designed to test attachment security
How was the strange situation controlled? A lab setting with a two-way mirror (Covert observation)
What were the behaviours they judged attachment on? Proximity seeking. Exploration, stranger anxiety, separation anxiety, response to reunion
How many sections were there to the strange situation? seven
how long did each section last? three minutes
what were the sections? 1) child is encouraged to explore 2) Stranger comes in and interacts 3) caregiver leaves the stranger and baby alone 4)the caregiver returns and stranger leaves 5) caregiver leaves child alone 6) Stranger returns 7) Caregiver returns
Was are the three types of attachment? Secure attachment insecure-avoidant insecure-resistant
What is secure attachment? The children explore happily but regularly go back to caregiver. usually show moderate separation distress and stranger anxiety.
How many infants were recorded to be secure attachment? 70% secure
What is insecure avoidant? These children explore freely but do not seek proximity. They show little reaction when their caregiver leaves and show no stranger anxiety.
How many infants were recorded as insecure-avoidant? 15% avoidant
What is insecure-resistant? These children seek greater proximity than others and explore less. they show huger separation and stranger anxiety but resist comfort when reunited with carer.
How many infants were recorded as insecure-resistant? 15% resistant
What is a strength of Ainsworth's study? It has good inter-rater reliability because it has controlled conditions and good behaviour categories.
What is a limitation of Ainsworth's study? has low populational validity because she only tested 100 middle class american mother/toddler interactions.
What is another limitation of the strange situation? it is culturally biased because it is eurocentric- meaning that it based around american and wester standards which might not apply to other cultures
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