History: Who were the Romans?


Unit A : page 2,3
Genevieve Chiu
Flashcards by Genevieve Chiu, updated more than 1 year ago
Genevieve Chiu
Created by Genevieve Chiu almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who were the Romans? Page 2,3 -The Romans are the people who originated from the city of Rome in modern day Italy. -source 1: The Roman man was buried in Egypt in the THIRD century.
-Source 2: mordern reconstruction of what Roman soldier looked like in the 1st century AD and the weapons he used to carry. -Source 3: a cartoon about life in Gaul (known as France) while being occupied by the Romans . -Source 4: An aqueduct in SPAIN.Built by Romans in the 2nd century to carry fresh water for the city of Segovia.
Source 5: wall painting showing farmworkers in Roman occupied Germany in the 3rd century. -Source 6: carving showing 4 stages in a boy's life from the 2nd century. -Source 7: picture of the Roman women , painted about 100 years ago. -Source 8: drawings of gladiators. Fought to death to ENTERTAIN Roman people. Drawn abt 100 years ago.
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