The Civil War ♡


1 History ♡ Flashcards on The Civil War ♡, created by lauren ♥ on 21/05/2016.
lauren ♥
Flashcards by lauren ♥, updated more than 1 year ago
lauren ♥
Created by lauren ♥ over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When did the civil war break out ? ♡ 1642 ♡
Who was the civil war between ? ♡ Charles I and Parliament ♡
How did the war end ? ♡ Charles losing his head in January 1649 ♡
When did Charles come to the throne ? ♡ 1625 ♡
When did Charles dismiss parliament ? ♡ 1629 ♡
Why did Charles recall parliament ? ♡ When a war with Scotland started and he needed money ♡
What was the Grand Remonstrance ? ♡ A list of 204 complaints parliament sent Charles about the way he was running the country ♡
Why did the civil war break out ? ♡ Charles tried to arrest the five leaders of parliament and failed ♡
Who supported parliament ? ♡ The South-East of England, merchants, London and the navy ♡
When did Charles surrender ? ♡ 1646 ♡
After the civil war who ruled for 11 years ? ♡ Oliver Cromwell ♡
In 1660 who was restored to the throne ? ♡ Charles II ♡
Why weren't people happy when Charles married a Catholic ? ♡ Many MPs were strict protestants and they thought Charles wanted to make England Catholic again ♡
What was the court of the star chamber ? ♡ A private court Charles created so that he could try and punish his opponents ♡
Who were the cavaliers ? ♡ Royalists who supported the king, most royalists were conservative protestants of catholics ♡
Who were the roundheads ? ♡ Roundheads were people who supported parliament, there was a lot of merchants and traders which gave parliament a lot of money, parliament also controlled the navy, many supporters were strict protestants ♡
What was the outcome of The Battle Of Edgehill ? ♡ A confused draw ♡
What was the outcome of the Battle of Newbury ? ♡ Parliament defeated Charles ♡
What was the head of proposals ? ♡ A list of suggestions for a settlement with Charles made in 1647 ♡
Who were the levellers ? ♡ A 17th century group who wanted to give ordinary men the vote ♡
Who were the diggers ? ♡ A 17th century group who thought everyone should own land together ♡
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