Asymmetric Encryption


Bachelors Degree Computer Science (Computer Security) Flashcards on Asymmetric Encryption, created by Alex Neves on 21/05/2016.
Alex Neves
Flashcards by Alex Neves, updated more than 1 year ago
Alex Neves
Created by Alex Neves over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Briefly describe Public-key Encryption Two keys, one public one private. Infeasible to calculate private key from a public key. Security achieved through intractable mathematical problems.
What is Public-key Encryption used for? Symmetric key exchange and sender verification
5 differences between symmetric and asymmetric encryption 1 vs 2 key. Small vs large key size. Fast vs slow. Long term comms vs key exchange / verification. SP Networks vs Mathematical problems
State the 3 mathematical principles used in asymmetric cryptology - Large (typically prime) numbers - Modular arithmetic - Integer factorisation
What is the congruence relation? a === b (mod n) => a (mod n) = b (mod n)
Give the eqivalences of modular arithmetic ((a mod n) + (b mod n)) mod n = (a + b) mod n
What is a discrete logarithm? Draw the expression Combining logs with modular arithmetic. Hard to compute and requires brute force.
What is a primitive root? A generator for a prime P which, when raised to an exponent and modular P, produces all values between 0 and P-1
What is DHKEX? Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange. Exchanges symmetric keys in private using discrete logarithms.
Describe the 5 steps of DHKEX <See notes>
Why is DHKEX secure? Draw equation to be solved Symmetric key g^ab can only be solved by knowing either private exponents, a or b.
What is DHKEX vulnerable to? Man-in-the-middle attacks. Intercept initial comms and create two separate key exchanges between A and B.
Describe the Logjam attack. 512-bit DH attack. Number field sieve to precompute 3/4 stages of DH for a given prime. Final stage computed at attack time. Works since same primes are often used (Oakley Group 2)
What is PFS? Perfect forward secrecy. Establish a new symmetric key each session. Known as Ephemeral Mode in practice.
What is Elliptic Curve? An alternative to modular arithmetic and discrete logs. Uses a curve to decide key in the form of y^2 = x^3 + ax + b. Stronger than other methods for the same key size
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