Early 20th Century


Animation History, early 20th century.
Emiloly Bringabrolly
Flashcards by Emiloly Bringabrolly, updated more than 1 year ago
Emiloly Bringabrolly
Created by Emiloly Bringabrolly over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
In 1906 James Blackton created what? Humorous Phases of Funny Face. Made from a mixture of chalk on blackboard, string and cut outs.
What year did Emile Cohl create Fantasmogire, what is this considered to be? 1908 This is considered to be the first true animation
Winsor McCay created who, when? What did this lead to? Gertie the dinosaur, 1914. First breakthrough of character animation, Disneys principles of animations based on this. He deliberately picked a character that could not be photographed.
What is a Rotoscope? In 1915, Max and Dave Fleisher patterned the Rotoscope. This is used to trace live action. They used it to dress Dave in a clown suit and make animations about him.
What happened to animation during WW1 Animation in Europe halted but continued in America. America continued thanks to making War Propaganda and training cartoons. By the time the war was over America had a whole bunch of animations back catalogue.
What was the first recognisable cartoon character? 1919 Felix the Cat. Featured during the Vaudeville, slapstick. Most popular characters of the 20's.
How did the 1920s industrial revolution change the animation world? The birth of the Motorcar and production line manufacturing pushed animation in the same direction. Animators are given quotas and pushed to make more money. Becomes big business. Bray has a big influence on this. (Bray Studios.)
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