Health and Social Care


General Vocabulary - easy
Flashcards by NicoleCMB, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by NicoleCMB almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does P.I.E.S. stand for? P - physical ([change]growth, weight gain or loss, growth in testes etc. [needs] water, food etc. [general] running, walking etc.) I - Intellectual (gain of knowledge that someone gets from school or gain of general skills with learning.) E - Emotional (the emotional change in developmental stages such as mourning over a lost loved one.) S - Social (the social change in someone such as making friends, communicating primarily or secondarily.)
Physical characteristics of early adulthood Maximum physical performance from 20's to 30's, change in diet, become more responsible.
What is informal support? Informal support is support given by someone who does not have a degree or qualification to give professional support for example a friend or member of the family.
Norms of later adulthood skin loses elasticity, may lose some height, hearing, taste and eyesight begin to deteriorate. Retirement. Deaths of a partner/spouse.
Norms of infancy Sit unaided, crawl, walk, start to speak, solo play.
What is a gross motor skill? A gross motor skill is the larger movements you make with your body such as running, walking and jumping.
What are fine motor skill? A fine motor skill is a skill acted by using smaller parts of your body such as writing, drawning, knitting etc.
Age of later adulthood 65+ years of age.
Norms of middle adulthood alder adults develop grey hair, skin become supple and they become less active. Menopause also occurs generally fro 45-55 years of age.
Physical characteristics of adolescence Females - grow taller, periods begin, pubic hair grows, hips broaden, breasts develop, weight gain, acne/spots develop. Males - grow taller, voice breaks, pubic hair grows, shoulders broaden, testes produce sperm, penis grows.
What is formal/ professional support? Professional support is support given by people with a degree or licence to provide people with the right support and information such as a doctor or a councillor.
Define what self-concept is. Both self-esteem and self image combined.
Norms of early adulthood Marriage, increased responsibility, start a family, more financial responsibility.
Age of adolescence 9-18 years of age.
Age of early childhood 3-8 years of age.
Define what self-image is. Self-image is how you see yourself.
Define what self-esteem is. Self-esteem is how you think of yourself.
Define what a life span is. The period of time between a person's birth and death.
Physical Characteristics of early childhood Grow taller, able to run,hop, jump, improved coordination. Fine motor skills- Painting, drawing, writing, cutting with scissors, colouring.
Physical characteristics of infancy Grow taller, able to crawl, walk and run, develop reflexes. Gross motor skills- Running, walking, skipping, riding a tricycle, dance, swim.
Age of early adulthood 19-45 years of age.
Physical characteristics of middle adulthood hot swings, tiredness, mood swings, (not much change in men except hair loss), periods stop.
Define what an unexpected life event is. An unexpected life even is an even that usually doesn't happen to everyone such as physical injury or illness.
What is voluntary support. Voluntary support is support given by a voluntary service for example a priest, CAB, childline.
Define what a milestone is. A milestone is an expected growth and development in life stages e.g. sitting unaided at 6 months, menopause for women (45-55 years).
Age of infancy 0-2 years of age.
Norms of early childhood Fine motor skills, co-operative play, intellect developes, reading, writing etc. Moral development.
Define what an expected life even is. An expected life even is an even that is expects by nearly everyone such as death, marriage and having a family.
Age of middle adulthood 45-65 years of age.
Define what a life stage is. A life stage is a defined period of growth and development e.g. adolescence, early childhood etc.
Define what developmental norms are. Developmental norms are the ways in which people grow and develop tend to follow a pattern e.g. baby can sit up unaided at 6 months.
Norms of an adolescent Puberty, emotional changes, examinations, develop scenes of own values and become more independent.
Explain the difference between growth and development. Growth is the physical change in someone such as growing taller or weight gain. Where as development is the intellectual, emotional and social change in someone.
Physical characteristics of later adulthood. skin loses elasticity, hearing, eyesight and taste deteriorates, may get smaller (height is reduces as the vertebrae in the spine gets closer), organs are less efficient, breathing is less efficience because muscles around the lungs become weaker, bones become more brittle and more likely to break, particularly in women, less active/mobile.
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