
Bethany Fieldhouse
Flashcards by Bethany Fieldhouse, updated more than 1 year ago
Bethany Fieldhouse
Created by Bethany Fieldhouse almost 9 years ago

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Question Answer
"NEW LOOK" - EISENHOWER (1953-61) AND DULLES - Eisenhower's tougher policy stance towards communism - ROLL BACK rather than containment - Massive retaliation - Brinkmanship - Nuclear superiority
EAST GERMAN UPRISING JUNE 1953 - Walter Ulbricht introduced Soviet-style industrialisation in response to Beria's proposal to reunify Germany = longer working hours, increased prices - 250,000 arrested, 400 executed - Seriously undermined Beria's leadership attempt
KOREAN WAR 1951-1953 - Caused a stalemate in relation - Peace talks protracted - Changes in leadership of US and USSR provided impetus needed to conclude peace talks - New Soviet leader pressurised Kim Il Sung to agree to ceasefire
PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE 1953 Onwards - Developed by Khrushchev - Theory of peaceful relations between super powers - De-Stalinisation - Fear of nuclear war - Marxist ideology
GENEVA CONFERENCE 1954 - Involved USA, USSR, UK, France - First indication of successful diplomacy - Discussed Korea and Indo-China - Settlement negotiated about Indochina War - US REFUSED TO SIGN - BUT PLEDGED NOT TO UNDERMINE
GENEVA SUMMIT 1955 - Meeting between USA, USSR, UK and France - Discussed: disarmament, unification of Germany - NO AGREEMENT MADE - But: first step in easing tension
WARSAW PACT 1955 - Political and military alliance between USSR and other Eastern European countries - Created in response to NATO - Pledged to protect each other in case of attack - End of thaw?
AUSTRIAN STATE TREATY 1955 - Between USSR, USA, UK and France - Granted Austria independence of all occupying forces - Neutral buffer zone between East and West - ONLY TREATY SIGNED BY BOTH USSR AND USA - ONLY WITHDRAWAL BY USSR
SECRET SPEECH 1956 - Khrushchev's denunciation of Stalin in front of 20th Congress of Communist Party of Soviet Union - Part of de-Stalinisation campaign - Caused shock and disillusionment in USSR - Gave rise to period liberalisation
WITHDRAWAL FROM FINLAND 1956 - Finland = part of Soviet sphere of influence - USSR made demands which Finland refused - USSR attacked - Finland successfully defended themselves - Base of Porkala returned after 12 years
POLISH UPRISING 1956 - Revolt against Soviet influence that was quickly quashed - Poles gained some concessions from Moscow - Workers had been demanding better conditions - SIGNIFICANCE: installation of fewer Soviet govs
HUNGARIAN UPRISING 1956 - Growing unrest that neither Rakosi or Gero could control - Nagy replaced Gero - New Course failed to satisfy demands of workers - Nagy demands withdrawal from Warsaw Pact - Radio Free encouraged protests, led to mass demonstrations
SPUTNIK SATELLITE 1957 - Launch of world's first artificial satellite - Initiated the 'space race' - Flew over USA multiple times a day - feared by USA
KHRUSHCHEV'S VISIT TO USA - CAMP DAVID SUMMIT 1959 - Generally successful, but tense - Khrushchev accused US gov of hiding rocket launchers in Disney Land - "We will bury you" - caused diplomatic outrage
U-2 INCIDENT MAY 1960 - American U-2 Spy plane shot down over USSR - Eisenhower refused to apologise - Broke down Paris Summit - Made Khrushchev more determined to exert Soviet influence
PARIS SUMMIT 1960 - Ruined by U-2 incident
FLEXIBLE RESPONSE 1961 - KENNEDY - Defence strategy implemented by Kennedy - Marked a move away from emphasis on nuclear weaponry to focus on a wide range of strategies - eg. conventional armed forces, covert actions, foreign aid - Growth of conventional army to 2.7 million - Motived by fear of Communist expansion
VIENNA SUMMIT 1961 - Between Kennedy and Khrushchev - Khrushchev insisted West formally recognised GDR and withdrew from Berlin by end of 1961 - Kennedy rejected demands - led to BUILDING OF BERLIN WALL
BUILDING OF BERLIN WALL AUGUST 1961 - Built by Khrushchev to prevent East Berliners defecting to the West through Berlin - Most tangible symbol of Cold War
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