The League of Nations and Hitler


A-Level History (League of Nations) Flashcards on The League of Nations and Hitler, created by hannah_ on 21/02/2014.
Flashcards by hannah_, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hannah_ about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What was Hitler's main aim when he first gained power? "Tear up the Treaty of Versailles"
What did Hitler demand? Lebensraum
In what year did Germany leave the League of Nations? 1933
In what year did Germany invaded Poland/ 1939
Reasons for appeasment -WW1 was fresh in minds- -Agreed Treaty was too harsh- -Genuine Trust in Hitler- -Agreed with "Lebensraum"- -Proven failure of League- -Buying time to re-arm"
In what year was the Nazi Soviet pack signed? 1939
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